WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithAppSettings<FluentT> Interface

Type Parameters


the type of the resource

public interface WithAppSettings

A web app definition stage allowing app settings to be set.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> withAppSetting(String key, String value)

Adds an app setting to the web app.

WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> withAppSettings(Map<String, String> settings)

Specifies the app settings for the web app as a Map.

WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> withStickyAppSetting(String key, String value)

Adds an app setting to the web app. This app setting will be swapped as well after a deployment slot swap.

WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> withStickyAppSettings(Map<String, String> settings)

Specifies the app settings for the web app as a Map. These app settings will be swapped as well after a deployment slot swap.

Method Details


public WithCreate withAppSetting(String key, String value)

Adds an app setting to the web app.


key - the key for the app setting
value - the value for the app setting


the next stage of the definition


public WithCreate withAppSettings(Map settings)

Specifies the app settings for the web app as a Map.


settings - a Map of app settings


the next stage of the definition


public WithCreate withStickyAppSetting(String key, String value)

Adds an app setting to the web app. This app setting will be swapped as well after a deployment slot swap.


key - the key for the app setting
value - the value for the app setting


the next stage of the definition


public WithCreate withStickyAppSettings(Map settings)

Specifies the app settings for the web app as a Map. These app settings will be swapped as well after a deployment slot swap.


settings - a Map of app settings


the next stage of the definition

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