WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithSourceControl<FluentT> Interface

Type Parameters


the type of the resource

public interface WithSourceControl

A web app definition stage allowing source control to be set.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.Blank<WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT>> defineSourceControl()

Starts the definition of a new source control.

WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> withLocalGitSourceControl()

Specifies the source control to be a local Git repository on the web app.

Method Details


public WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.Blank> defineSourceControl()

Starts the definition of a new source control.


the first stage of a source control definition


public WithCreate withLocalGitSourceControl()

Specifies the source control to be a local Git repository on the web app.


the next stage of the definition

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