IotHubSasTokenHardwareAuthenticationProvider Class

public class IotHubSasTokenHardwareAuthenticationProvider extends IotHubSasTokenAuthenticationProvider

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
IotHubSasTokenHardwareAuthenticationProvider(String hostname, String gatewayHostname, String deviceId, String moduleId, SecurityProvider securityProvider)

Creates a Sas Token based authentication object that uses the provided security provider to produce sas tokens.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
boolean canRefreshToken()
char [] getSasToken()

Getter for SasToken. If the saved token has expired, this method shall renew it if possible

boolean isAuthenticationProviderRenewalNecessary()

Inherited Members

Constructor Details


public IotHubSasTokenHardwareAuthenticationProvider(String hostname, String gatewayHostname, String deviceId, String moduleId, SecurityProvider securityProvider)

Creates a Sas Token based authentication object that uses the provided security provider to produce sas tokens.


hostname - The host name of the hub to authenticate against
gatewayHostname - The gateway hostname to use, or null if connecting to an IotHub
deviceId - The unique id of the device to authenticate
moduleId - the module id. May be null if not using a module
securityProvider - the security provider to use for authentication


IOException - if the provided securityProvider throws while retrieving a sas token or ssl context instance

Method Details


public boolean canRefreshToken()


public char [] getSasToken()

Getter for SasToken. If the saved token has expired, this method shall renew it if possible


The value of SasToken


IOException - if generating the sas token from the TPM fails


public boolean isAuthenticationProviderRenewalNecessary()


always returns false as the hardware authentication mechanism will never need to be updated with a new key or token

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