MultiplexingClientRegistrationException Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • Exception
      • IotHubClientException

public class MultiplexingClientRegistrationException extends IotHubClientException

Exception that is thrown when one or more devices fail to register to an active multiplexed connection.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with no nested exception and no error message.

MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(Exception cause)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with a nested exception but no error message.

MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(String message)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with no nested exception but with an error message.

MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(String message, Exception cause)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with a nested exception and an error message.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void addRegistrationException(String deviceId, Exception registrationException)

Associate a new registration exception to a device.

Map<String, Exception> getRegistrationExceptions()

Get the exception for each device that failed to register.

void setRegistrationExceptionsMap(Map<String, Exception> registrationExceptions)

Sets the full registrations exception map. This will overwrite any previously saved mappings.

Inherited Members

Constructor Details


public MultiplexingClientRegistrationException()

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with no nested exception and no error message.


public MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(Exception cause)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with a nested exception but no error message.


cause - The nested exception.


public MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(String message)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with no nested exception but with an error message.


message - The top level message for this exception.


public MultiplexingClientRegistrationException(String message, Exception cause)

Construct a new MultiplexingClientDeviceRegistrationAuthenticationException with a nested exception and an error message.


message - The top level message for this exception.
cause - The nested exception.

Method Details


public void addRegistrationException(String deviceId, Exception registrationException)

Associate a new registration exception to a device.


deviceId - The device that failed to register to an active multiplexed connection.
registrationException - The exception that explains why the device failed to register to an active multiplexed connection.


public Map getRegistrationExceptions()

Get the exception for each device that failed to register.


A map containing the deviceId's that failed to register mapped to the exception that explains why they failed to register.


public void setRegistrationExceptionsMap(Map registrationExceptions)

Sets the full registrations exception map. This will overwrite any previously saved mappings.


registrationExceptions - the new full registrations exception map.

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