FileUploadSasUriResponse Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class FileUploadSasUriResponse

The information provided from IoT Hub that can be used with the Azure Storage SDK to upload a file from your device, including authentication.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
FileUploadSasUriResponse(String json)

Create an instance of the FileUploadSasUriResponse using the information in the provided json.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
URI getBlobUri()

Get the full Azure Storage blob uri to upload a file to. This uri includes authentication information

Constructor Details


public FileUploadSasUriResponse(String json)

Create an instance of the FileUploadSasUriResponse using the information in the provided json.


json - is the string that contains a valid json with the FileUpload response.


IllegalArgumentException - if the json is null, empty, or not valid.

Method Details


public URI getBlobUri()

Get the full Azure Storage blob uri to upload a file to. This uri includes authentication information


The full Azure Storage blob uri to upload a file to.


UnsupportedEncodingException - if UTF-8 encoding is not supported on this device.
URISyntaxException - if building the URI fails for any reason.

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