IotHubMessageResult Enum

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<IotHubMessageResult>

public enum IotHubMessageResult

A return value from a message callback that instructs an IoT hub to complete, abandon, or reject the message. These states are only valid for AMQP messages.

See The cloud-to-device message life cycle for more details on the states and what it means for message delivery and retry.



Instructs IoT hub to abandon the message.

This will put the message back into the IoT hub messaging queue to be processed again. The message will be enqueued back to the IoT hub messaging queue for the value specified for "Max Delivery Count" times. After the max is reached, the message will be set to to the dead lettered state and removed.


Instructs IoT hub to complete the message.

This will remove it from the IoT hub messaging queue and set the message to the Completed state.


Instructs IoT hub to reject the message.

This will remove the message from the IoT hub messaging queue and sets the message to the dead lettered state.

Applies to