DirectMethod Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class DirectMethod

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
DirectMethod(InternalClient client, SubscriptionAcknowledgedCallback deviceMethodStatusCallback, Object deviceMethodStatusCallbackContext)

This constructor creates an instance of device method class which helps facilitate the interation for device methods between the user and IotHub.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void subscribeToDirectMethods(MethodCallback methodCallback, Object deviceMethodCallbackContext)

A method which subscribes to receive device method invocation for the user with the IotHub.

Constructor Details


public DirectMethod(InternalClient client, SubscriptionAcknowledgedCallback deviceMethodStatusCallback, Object deviceMethodStatusCallbackContext)

This constructor creates an instance of device method class which helps facilitate the interation for device methods between the user and IotHub.


client -

Device client object for this connection instance for the device. Cannot benull 

deviceMethodStatusCallback -

Callback to provide status for device method state with IotHub. Cannot benull 

</code> . </p>
deviceMethodStatusCallbackContext -

Context to be passed when device method status is invoked. Can benull 



IllegalArgumentException - This exception is thrown if either deviceIO or config or deviceMethodStatusCallback are null

Method Details


public void subscribeToDirectMethods(MethodCallback methodCallback, Object deviceMethodCallbackContext)

A method which subscribes to receive device method invocation for the user with the IotHub.


methodCallback - Callback where upon receiving the request the invoke a method shall be triggered.
deviceMethodCallbackContext - Context to be passed on when invoking the callback.


IllegalArgumentException - This exception is thrown when methodCallback is provided null.

Applies to