TokenCredentialCache Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class TokenCredentialCache

This class generates AAD authentication tokens from a TokenCredential but caches previous tokens when they aren't near expiry.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
TokenCredentialCache(TokenCredential tokenCredential)

Construct a new TokenCredentialCache instance.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
AccessToken getAccessToken()

Get a valid AAD authentication token. This may be the same as a previously returned token if it is not near expiration time yet. If a token is less than or equal to 9 minutes away from expiring or is expired already, the token will be renewed. Otherwise, a cached token will be returned.

TokenCredential getTokenCredential()
String getTokenString()

Get the access token string, including the Bearer prefix.

Field Details


public static final String [] IOTHUB_PUBLIC_SCOPE= new String[]{""}

Constructor Details


public TokenCredentialCache(TokenCredential tokenCredential)

Construct a new TokenCredentialCache instance.


tokenCredential - The tokenCredential instance that this cache will use to generate new tokens.

Method Details


public AccessToken getAccessToken()

Get a valid AAD authentication token. This may be the same as a previously returned token if it is not near expiration time yet. If a token is less than or equal to 9 minutes away from expiring or is expired already, the token will be renewed. Otherwise, a cached token will be returned.


a valid AAD authentication token.


public TokenCredential getTokenCredential()


the TokenCredential instance that was set in the constructor.


public String getTokenString()

Get the access token string, including the Bearer prefix.


the access token string, including the Bearer prefix.

Applies to