ManagementClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class ManagementClient

Synchronous client to perform management operations on Service Bus entities. Use ManagementClientAsync for asynchronous operations.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
ManagementClient(ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder)
ManagementClient(URI namespaceEndpointURI, ClientSettings clientSettings)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void close()

Disposes and closes the managementClient.

QueueDescription createQueue(QueueDescription queueDescription)

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name. See QueueDescription for default values of queue properties.

QueueDescription createQueue(String queuePath)

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name. See QueueDescription for default values of queue properties.

RuleDescription createRule(String topicName, String subscriptionName, RuleDescription ruleDescription)

Creates a new rule for a given topic - subscription. See RuleDescription for default values of subscription properties.

SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Creates a new subscription for a given topic in the service namespace with the given name. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.

SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription)

Creates a new subscription in the service namespace with the given name. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.

SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription defaultRule)

Creates a new subscription in the service namespace with the provided default rule. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.

TopicDescription createTopic(String topicPath)

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name. See TopicDescription for default values of topic properties.

TopicDescription createTopic(TopicDescription topicDescription)

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name. See TopicDescription for default values of topic properties.

void deleteQueue(String path)

Deletes the queue described by the path relative to the service namespace base address.

void deleteRule(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Deletes the rule for a given topic-subscription.

void deleteSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Deletes the subscription described by the topicPath and the subscriptionName.

void deleteTopic(String path)

Deletes the topic described by the path relative to the service namespace base address.

NamespaceInfo getNamespaceInfo()

Retrieves information related to the namespace. Works with any claim (Send/Listen/Manage).

QueueDescription getQueue(String path)

Retrieves a queue from the service namespace

QueueRuntimeInfo getQueueRuntimeInfo(String path)

Retrieves the runtime information of a queue.

List<QueueDescription> getQueues()

Retrieves the list of queues present in the namespace.

List<QueueDescription> getQueues(int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of queues present in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.

RuleDescription getRule(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Retrieves a rule for a given topic and subscription from the service namespace

List<RuleDescription> getRules(String topicName, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves the list of rules for a given topic-subscription in the namespace.

List<RuleDescription> getRules(String topicName, String subscriptionName, int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of rules for a given topic-subscription in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.

SubscriptionDescription getSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves a subscription for a given topic from the service namespace

SubscriptionRuntimeInfo getSubscriptionRuntimeInfo(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves the runtime information of a subscription in a given topic

List<SubscriptionDescription> getSubscriptions(String topicName)

Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a given topic in the namespace.

List<SubscriptionDescription> getSubscriptions(String topicName, int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a given topic in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.

TopicDescription getTopic(String path)

Retrieves a topic from the service namespace

TopicRuntimeInfo getTopicRuntimeInfo(String path)

Retrieves the runtime information of a topic

List<TopicDescription> getTopics()

Retrieves the list of topics present in the namespace.

List<TopicDescription> getTopics(int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of topics present in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.

Boolean queueExists(String path)

Checks whether a given queue exists or not.

Boolean ruleExists(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Checks whether a given rule exists or not for a given subscription.

Boolean subscriptionExists(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Checks whether a given subscription exists or not.

Boolean topicExists(String path)

Checks whether a given topic exists or not.

QueueDescription updateQueue(QueueDescription queueDescription)

Updates an existing queue.

RuleDescription updateRule(String topicName, String subscriptionName, RuleDescription ruleDescription)

Updates an existing rule.

SubscriptionDescription updateSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription)

Updates an existing subscription.

TopicDescription updateTopic(TopicDescription topicDescription)

Updates an existing topic.

Constructor Details


public ManagementClient(ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder)




public ManagementClient(URI namespaceEndpointURI, ClientSettings clientSettings)



Method Details


public void close()

Disposes and closes the managementClient.


IOException - if an I/O error occurs


public QueueDescription createQueue(QueueDescription queueDescription)

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name. See QueueDescription for default values of queue properties.


queueDescription - - A QueueDescription object describing the attributes with which the new queue will be created.


QueueDescription of the newly created queue.


MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public QueueDescription createQueue(String queuePath)

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name. See QueueDescription for default values of queue properties.


queuePath - - The name of the queue relative to the service namespace base address.


QueueDescription of the newly created queue.


IllegalArgumentException - - Entity name is null, empty, too long or uses illegal characters.
MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public RuleDescription createRule(String topicName, String subscriptionName, RuleDescription ruleDescription)

Creates a new rule for a given topic - subscription. See RuleDescription for default values of subscription properties.


topicName - - Name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - Name of the subscription.
ruleDescription - - A RuleDescription object describing the attributes with which the new rule will be created.


RuleDescription of the newly created rule.


MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Creates a new subscription for a given topic in the service namespace with the given name. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.


topicPath - - The name of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.


SubscriptionDescription of the newly created subscription.


IllegalArgumentException - - Entity name is null, empty, too long or uses illegal characters.
MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription)

Creates a new subscription in the service namespace with the given name. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.


subscriptionDescription - - A SubscriptionDescription object describing the attributes with which the new subscription will be created.


SubscriptionDescription of the newly created subscription.


MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionDescription createSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription defaultRule)

Creates a new subscription in the service namespace with the provided default rule. See SubscriptionDescription for default values of subscription properties.


subscriptionDescription - - A SubscriptionDescription object describing the attributes with which the new subscription will be created.
defaultRule - - A RuleDescription object describing the default rule. If null, then pass-through filter will be created.


SubscriptionDescription of the newly created subscription.


MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public TopicDescription createTopic(String topicPath)

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name. See TopicDescription for default values of topic properties.


topicPath - - The name of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.


TopicDescription of the newly created topic.


IllegalArgumentException - - Entity name is null, empty, too long or uses illegal characters.
MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public TopicDescription createTopic(TopicDescription topicDescription)

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name. See TopicDescription for default values of topic properties.


topicDescription - - A QueueDescription object describing the attributes with which the new topic will be created.


TopicDescription of the newly created topic.


MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException - - An entity with the same name exists under the same service namespace.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Void deleteQueue(String path)

Deletes the queue described by the path relative to the service namespace base address.


path - - The name of the entity relative to the service namespace base address.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - An entity with this name does not exist.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Void deleteRule(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Deletes the rule for a given topic-subscription.


topicPath - - The name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.
ruleName - - The name of the rule.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - An entity with this name does not exist.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Void deleteSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Deletes the subscription described by the topicPath and the subscriptionName.


topicPath - - The name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - An entity with this name does not exist.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Void deleteTopic(String path)

Deletes the topic described by the path relative to the service namespace base address.


path - - The name of the entity relative to the service namespace base address.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - An entity with this name does not exist.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public NamespaceInfo getNamespaceInfo()

Retrieves information related to the namespace. Works with any claim (Send/Listen/Manage).


- NamespaceInfo containing namespace information.


ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public QueueDescription getQueue(String path)

Retrieves a queue from the service namespace


path - - The path of the queue relative to service bus namespace.


- QueueDescription containing information about the queue.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public QueueRuntimeInfo getQueueRuntimeInfo(String path)

Retrieves the runtime information of a queue.


path - - The path of the queue relative to service bus namespace.


- QueueRuntimeInfo containing runtime information about the queue.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getQueues()

Retrieves the list of queues present in the namespace.


the first 100 queues.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getQueues(int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of queues present in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.


count - - The number of queues to fetch. Defaults to 100. Maximum value allowed is 100.
skip - - The number of queues to skip. Defaults to 0. Cannot be negative.


the list of queues.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public RuleDescription getRule(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Retrieves a rule for a given topic and subscription from the service namespace


topicPath - - The path of the topic relative to service bus namespace.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.
ruleName - - The name of the rule.


- RuleDescription containing information about the subscription.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getRules(String topicName, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves the list of rules for a given topic-subscription in the namespace.


topicName - - The name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.


the first 100 rules.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getRules(String topicName, String subscriptionName, int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of rules for a given topic-subscription in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.


topicName - - The name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription.
count - - The number of rules to fetch. Defaults to 100. Maximum value allowed is 100.
skip - - The number of rules to skip. Defaults to 0. Cannot be negative.


the list of rules.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionDescription getSubscription(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves a subscription for a given topic from the service namespace


topicPath - - The path of the topic relative to service bus namespace.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription


- SubscriptionDescription containing information about the subscription.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionRuntimeInfo getSubscriptionRuntimeInfo(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Retrieves the runtime information of a subscription in a given topic


topicPath - - The path of the topic relative to service bus namespace.
subscriptionName - - The name of the subscription


- SubscriptionRuntimeInfo containing the runtime information about the subscription.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getSubscriptions(String topicName)

Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a given topic in the namespace.


topicName - - The name of the topic.


the first 100 subscriptions.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getSubscriptions(String topicName, int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a given topic in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.


topicName - - The name of the topic.
count - - The number of subscriptions to fetch. Defaults to 100. Maximum value allowed is 100.
skip - - The number of subscriptions to skip. Defaults to 0. Cannot be negative.


the list of subscriptions.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public TopicDescription getTopic(String path)

Retrieves a topic from the service namespace


path - - The path of the queue relative to service bus namespace.


- Description containing information about the topic.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public TopicRuntimeInfo getTopicRuntimeInfo(String path)

Retrieves the runtime information of a topic


path - - The path of the queue relative to service bus namespace.


- TopicRuntimeInfo containing runtime information about the topic.


IllegalArgumentException - - Thrown if path is null, empty, or not in right format or length.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Entity with this name doesn't exist.
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getTopics()

Retrieves the list of topics present in the namespace.


the first 100 topics.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public List getTopics(int count, int skip)

Retrieves the list of topics present in the namespace. You can simulate pages of list of entities by manipulating count and skip parameters. skip(0)+count(100) gives first 100 entities. skip(100)+count(100) gives the next 100 entities.


count - - The number of topics to fetch. Defaults to 100. Maximum value allowed is 100.
skip - - The number of topics to skip. Defaults to 0. Cannot be negative.


the list of topics.


TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Boolean queueExists(String path)

Checks whether a given queue exists or not.


path - - Path of the entity to check


- True if the entity exists. False otherwise.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Boolean ruleExists(String topicPath, String subscriptionName, String ruleName)

Checks whether a given rule exists or not for a given subscription.


topicPath - - Path of the topic
subscriptionName - - Name of the subscription.
ruleName - - Name of the rule


- True if the entity exists. False otherwise.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Boolean subscriptionExists(String topicPath, String subscriptionName)

Checks whether a given subscription exists or not.


topicPath - - Path of the topic
subscriptionName - - Name of the subscription.


- True if the entity exists. False otherwise.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public Boolean topicExists(String path)

Checks whether a given topic exists or not.


path - - Path of the entity to check


- True if the entity exists. False otherwise.


IllegalArgumentException - - path is not null / empty / too long / invalid.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public QueueDescription updateQueue(QueueDescription queueDescription)

Updates an existing queue.


queueDescription - - A QueueDescription object describing the attributes with which the queue will be updated.


QueueDescription of the updated queue.


MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Described entity was not found.
IllegalArgumentException - - descriptor is null.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public RuleDescription updateRule(String topicName, String subscriptionName, RuleDescription ruleDescription)

Updates an existing rule.


topicName - - Name of the topic.
subscriptionName - - Name of the subscription.
ruleDescription - - A RuleDescription object describing the attributes with which the rule will be updated.


RuleDescription of the updated rule.


MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Described entity was not found.
IllegalArgumentException - - descriptor is null.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public SubscriptionDescription updateSubscription(SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription)

Updates an existing subscription.


subscriptionDescription - - A SubscriptionDescription object describing the attributes with which the subscription will be updated.


SubscriptionDescription of the updated subscription.


MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Described entity was not found.
IllegalArgumentException - - descriptor is null.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted


public TopicDescription updateTopic(TopicDescription topicDescription)

Updates an existing topic.


topicDescription - - A TopicDescription object describing the attributes with which the topic will be updated.


TopicDescription of the updated topic.


MessagingEntityNotFoundException - - Described entity was not found.
IllegalArgumentException - - descriptor is null.
TimeoutException - - The operation times out. The timeout period is initiated through ClientSettings.operationTimeout
AuthorizationFailedException - - No sufficient permission to perform this operation. Please check ClientSettings.tokenProvider has correct details.
ServerBusyException - - The server is busy. You should wait before you retry the operation.
ServiceBusException - - An internal error or an unexpected exception occurred.
QuotaExceededException - - Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowed quota has been reached.
InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted

Applies to