Azure OpenTelemetry Tracing plugin library for Java - version 1.0.0-beta.50

This package enables distributed tracing across Azure SDK Java libraries through OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry is an open source, vendor-agnostic, single distribution of libraries to provide metrics collection and distributed tracing for services. The Azure core tracing package provides:

  • Context propagation, used to correlate activities and requests between services with an initial customer action.
  • Tracing user requests to the system, allowing to pinpoint failures and performance issues.

Source code | API reference documentation | Product documentation | Samples

Getting started

You can enable tracing in Azure client libraries by using and configuring the OpenTelemetry SDK or using an OpenTelemetry-compatible agent.


Key concepts


A trace is a tree of spans showing the path of work through a system. A trace on its own is distinguishable by a unique 16 byte sequence called a TraceID.


A span represents a single operation in a trace. A span could be representative of an HTTP request, a remote procedure call (RPC), a database query, or even the path that a code takes. Azure SDK produces span for public client calls such as SecretClient.getSecret and HTTP spans for each underlying call to Azure service.

Azure SDK tracing with Azure Monitor Java agent

By using an Azure Monitor Java in-process agent, you can enable monitoring of your applications without any code changes. For more information, see Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry-based auto-instrumentation for Java applications. Azure SDK support is enabled by default starting with agent version 3.2.

Tracing Azure SDK calls with OpenTelemetry Java agent

If you use OpenTelemetry Java agent, Azure SDK instrumentation is enabled out-of-the-box starting from version 1.12.0.

For more details on how to configure exporters, add manual instrumentation, or enrich telemetry, see OpenTelemetry Instrumentation for Java.

Note: OpenTelemetry agent artifact is stable, but does not provide over-the-wire telemetry stability guarantees - attribute or span names produced by Azure SDK might change over time when you update the agent. Check out agent stability and versioning for more details.

Manually instrument the application with OpenTelemetry SDK

If you use OpenTelemetry SDK directly, make sure to configure SDK and exporter for the backend of your choice. For more information, see OpenTelemetry documentation.

To enable Azure SDK tracing, add the latest packages to your application. For example, in Maven, add the following entry to your pom.xml file:


You don't need this package if you use ApplicationInsights Java agent or OpenTelemetry agent.


The following sections provides examples of using the azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry plugin with a few Azure Java SDK libraries.


If you want to configure tracing on specific instances of Azure client, you can do so with OpenTelemetryTracingOptions. With it, you can disable tracing on the client, or configure custom TracerProvider.

If no TraceProvider is specified, Azure SDK will use global one (GlobalOpenTelemetry.getTracerProvider()).

Pass OpenTelemetry TracerProvider to Azure client:

// configure OpenTelemetry SDK explicitly per
SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()

OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder().setTracerProvider(tracerProvider).build();
// Pass OpenTelemetry container to TracingOptions.
TracingOptions customTracingOptions = new OpenTelemetryTracingOptions()

// configure Azure Client to use customTracingOptions - it will use tracerProvider
// to create tracers
AzureClient sampleClient = new AzureClientBuilder()
    .clientOptions(new ClientOptions().setTracingOptions(customTracingOptions))

// use client as usual, if it emits spans, they will be exported
sampleClient.methodCall("get items");

Using the plugin package with HTTP client libraries

Synchronously create a secret using azure-security-keyvault-secrets with tracing enabled.

The plugin package creates a logical span representing public API call to encapsulate all the underlying HTTP calls. By default OpenTelemetry Context.current() will be used as a parent context - check out OpenTelemetry documentation for more info. Users can optionally pass the instance of io.opentelemetry.context.Context to the SDKs using key PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY on the Context parameter of the calling method to provide explicit parent context. This sample provides an example when parent span is picked up automatically.

SecretClient secretClient = new SecretClientBuilder()
    .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my-span").startSpan();
try (Scope s = span.makeCurrent()) {
    // ApplicationInsights or OpenTelemetry agent propagate context through async reactor calls.
    // So SecretClient here creates spans that are children of my-span
    System.out.printf("Secret with name: %s%n", secretClient.setSecret(new KeyVaultSecret("Secret1", "password1")).getName());
    secretClient.listPropertiesOfSecrets().forEach(secretBase ->
        System.out.printf("Secret with name: %s%n", secretClient.getSecret(secretBase.getName())));
} finally {

When using async clients without Application Insights Java agent or OpenTelemetry agent, please do context propagation manually:

Synchronous clients

Pass OpenTelemetry Context under PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY in

SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()

AzureClient sampleClient = new AzureClientBuilder()

Tracer tracer = tracerProvider.get("test");
Span parent = tracer.spanBuilder("parent").startSpan();
io.opentelemetry.context.Context traceContext = io.opentelemetry.context.Context.current().with(parent);

// do some work

// You can pass parent explicitly using PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY in the
// Or, when using async clients, pass it in reactor.util.context.Context under the same key.
String response = sampleClient.methodCall("get items",
    new Context(PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY, traceContext));

// do more work

Asynchronous clients

Pass OpenTelemetry Context under PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY in reactor.util.context.Context:

SecretAsyncClient secretAsyncClient = new SecretClientBuilder()
    .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my-span").startSpan();
// when using async clients and instrumenting without ApplicationInsights or OpenTelemetry agent, context needs to be propagated manually
Context traceContext = Context.of(PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY, io.opentelemetry.context.Context.current().with(span));
try {
    secretAsyncClient.setSecret(new KeyVaultSecret("Secret1", "password1"))
        .subscribe(secretResponse -> System.out.printf("Secret with name: %s%n", secretResponse.getName()));
        .doOnNext(secretBase -> secretAsyncClient.getSecret(secretBase.getName())
            .doOnNext(secret -> System.out.printf("Secret with name: %s%n", secret.getName())))
} finally {

Using the plugin package with AMQP client libraries

Send a single event/message using azure-messaging-eventhubs with tracing enabled.

Users can additionally pass custom value of the trace context to the EventData object with key PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY on the Context object.

Please refer to Event Hubs samples for more information.

Flux<EventData> events = Flux.just(
    new EventData("EventData Sample 1"),
    new EventData("EventData Sample 2"));

// Create a batch to send the events.
final AtomicReference<EventDataBatch> batchRef = new AtomicReference<>(

final AtomicReference<io.opentelemetry.context.Context> traceContextRef = new AtomicReference<>(io.opentelemetry.context.Context.current());

// when using async clients and instrumenting without ApplicationInsights or OpenTelemetry agent, context needs to be propagated manually
// you would also want to propagate it manually when not making spans current.
// we'll propagate context to events (to propagate it over to consumer)
events.collect(batchRef::get, (b, e) ->
        b.tryAdd(e.addContext(PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY, traceContextRef.get())))
    .flatMap(b -> producer.send(b))
    .doFinally(i -> Span.fromContext(traceContextRef.get()).end())
    .contextWrite(ctx -> {
        // this block is executed first, we'll create an outer span, which usually represents incoming request
        // or some logical operation
        Span span = TRACER.spanBuilder("my-span").startSpan();

        // and pass the new context with span to reactor for EventHubs producer client to pick it up.
        return ctx.put(PARENT_TRACE_CONTEXT_KEY, traceContextRef.updateAndGet(traceContext -> traceContext.with(span)));



For more information on OpenTelemetry Java support for tracing, see OpenTelemetry Java.

Enabling Logging

Azure SDKs for Java offer a consistent logging story to help aid in troubleshooting application errors and expedite their resolution. The logs produced will capture the flow of an application before reaching the terminal state to help locate the root issue. View the logging wiki for guidance about enabling logging.

Next steps


Several Java SDK samples are available to you in the SDKs GitHub repository. These following samples provide example code for additional scenarios commonly encountered while working with Tracing:

Additional Documentation

For more extensive documentation on OpenTelemetry, see the API reference documentation.


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