Azure DevCenter client library for Java - version 1.0.4

This package contains Microsoft Azure DevCenter client library.


Various documentation is available to help you get started

Getting started


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) with version 8 or above
  • Azure Subscription
  • The minimum requirements to create Dev Box resources using this SDK are to create DevCenter, Project, and Pool resources.
  • The minimum requirements to create Environment resources using this SDK are to create DevCenter, Project, EnvironmentType, and CatalogItem resources.

Adding the package to your product



Azure Identity package provides the default implementation for authenticating the client.

Key concepts


Dev Box Scenarios

String endpoint = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("DEVCENTER_ENDPOINT");

// Build our clients
DevCenterClient devCenterClient =
                new DevCenterClientBuilder()
                        .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())

DevBoxesClient devBoxClient = devCenterClient.getDevBoxesClient();

// Find available Projects and Pools
PagedIterable<DevCenterProject> projectListResponse = devCenterClient.listProjects();
for (DevCenterProject project: projectListResponse) {

// Use the first project in the list
DevCenterProject project = projectListResponse.iterator().next();
String projectName = project.getName();

PagedIterable<DevBoxPool> poolListResponse = devBoxClient.listPools(projectName);
for (DevBoxPool pool: poolListResponse) {

// Use the first pool in the list
DevBoxPool pool = poolListResponse.iterator().next();
String poolName = pool.getName();

System.out.println("Starting to create dev box in project " + projectName + " and pool " + poolName);

// Provision a Dev Box
SyncPoller<DevCenterOperationDetails, DevBox> devBoxCreateResponse =
                devBoxClient.beginCreateDevBox(projectName, "me", new DevBox("MyDevBox", poolName));
DevBox devBox = devBoxCreateResponse.getFinalResult();

String devBoxName = devBox.getName();
System.out.println("DevBox " + devBoxName + "finished provisioning with status " + devBox.getProvisioningState());

RemoteConnection remoteConnection =
                devBoxClient.getRemoteConnection(projectName, "me", devBoxName);
System.out.println("Dev Box web url is " + remoteConnection.getWebUrl());

System.out.println("Start deleting dev box");
// Tear down the Dev Box when we're finished:
SyncPoller<DevCenterOperationDetails, Void> devBoxDeleteResponse =
                devBoxClient.beginDeleteDevBox(projectName, "me", devBoxName);
System.out.println("Done deleting dev box");

Environments Scenarios

String endpoint = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("DEVCENTER_ENDPOINT");

// Build our clients
DevCenterClient devCenterClient =
                new DevCenterClientBuilder()
                        .credential(new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build())
DeploymentEnvironmentsClient environmentsClient = devCenterClient.getDeploymentEnvironmentsClient();

// Find available Projects 
PagedIterable<DevCenterProject> projectListResponse = devCenterClient.listProjects();
for (DevCenterProject project: projectListResponse) {

// Use the first project in the list
DevCenterProject project = projectListResponse.iterator().next();
String projectName = project.getName();

// Fetch available environment definitions and environment types
PagedIterable<DevCenterCatalog> catalogs = environmentsClient.listCatalogs(projectName);
for (DevCenterCatalog catalog: catalogs) {

// Use the first catalog in the list
String catalogName = catalogs.iterator().next().getName();

PagedIterable<EnvironmentDefinition> environmentDefinitions = environmentsClient.listEnvironmentDefinitionsByCatalog(projectName, catalogName);
for (EnvironmentDefinition environmentDefinition: environmentDefinitions) {

// Use the first environment definition in the list
String envDefinitionName = environmentDefinitions.iterator().next().getName();

PagedIterable<DevCenterEnvironmentType> environmentTypes = environmentsClient.listEnvironmentTypes(projectName);
for (DevCenterEnvironmentType envType: environmentTypes) {

// Use the first environment type in the list
String envTypeName = environmentTypes.iterator().next().getName();

System.out.println("Starting to create environment in project " + projectName + ", with catalog " + catalogName
    + ", environment definition " + envDefinitionName + ", environment type " + envTypeName);

// Create an environment
SyncPoller<DevCenterOperationDetails, DevCenterEnvironment> environmentCreateResponse 
            = environmentsClient.beginCreateOrUpdateEnvironment(projectName, "me",
                new DevCenterEnvironment("myEnvironmentName", envTypeName, catalogName, envDefinitionName));
DevCenterEnvironment environment = environmentCreateResponse.getFinalResult();

String environmentName = environment.getName();
System.out.println("Environment " + environmentName + "finished provisioning with status " + environment.getProvisioningState());

System.out.println("Start deleting environment " + environmentName);
// Delete the environment when we're finished:
SyncPoller<DevCenterOperationDetails, Void> environmentDeleteResponse =
                environmentsClient.beginDeleteEnvironment(projectName, "me", environmentName);
System.out.println("Done deleting environment" + environmentName);


Next steps


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  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request