VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateOSDisk interface

Describes virtual machine scale set operating system disk Update Object. This should be used for Updating VMSS OS Disk.



The caching type.


Specifies whether OS Disk should be deleted or detached upon VMSS Flex deletion (This feature is available for VMSS with Flexible OrchestrationMode only).

Possible values:

Delete If this value is used, the OS disk is deleted when VMSS Flex VM is deleted.

Detach If this value is used, the OS disk is retained after VMSS Flex VM is deleted.

The default value is set to Delete. For an Ephemeral OS Disk, the default value is set to Delete. User cannot change the delete option for Ephemeral OS Disk.


Specifies the ephemeral disk Settings for the operating system disk used by the virtual machine scale set.


Specifies the size of an empty data disk in gigabytes. This element can be used to overwrite the size of the disk in a virtual machine image.

diskSizeGB is the number of bytes x 1024^3 for the disk and the value cannot be larger than 1023


The Source User Image VirtualHardDisk. This VirtualHardDisk will be copied before using it to attach to the Virtual Machine. If SourceImage is provided, the destination VirtualHardDisk should not exist.


The managed disk parameters.


The list of virtual hard disk container uris.


Specifies whether writeAccelerator should be enabled or disabled on the disk.

Property Details


The caching type.

caching?: CachingTypes

Property Value


Specifies whether OS Disk should be deleted or detached upon VMSS Flex deletion (This feature is available for VMSS with Flexible OrchestrationMode only).

Possible values:

Delete If this value is used, the OS disk is deleted when VMSS Flex VM is deleted.

Detach If this value is used, the OS disk is retained after VMSS Flex VM is deleted.

The default value is set to Delete. For an Ephemeral OS Disk, the default value is set to Delete. User cannot change the delete option for Ephemeral OS Disk.

deleteOption?: string

Property Value



Specifies the ephemeral disk Settings for the operating system disk used by the virtual machine scale set.

diffDiskSettings?: DiffDiskSettings

Property Value


Specifies the size of an empty data disk in gigabytes. This element can be used to overwrite the size of the disk in a virtual machine image.

diskSizeGB is the number of bytes x 1024^3 for the disk and the value cannot be larger than 1023

diskSizeGB?: number

Property Value



The Source User Image VirtualHardDisk. This VirtualHardDisk will be copied before using it to attach to the Virtual Machine. If SourceImage is provided, the destination VirtualHardDisk should not exist.

image?: VirtualHardDisk

Property Value


The managed disk parameters.

managedDisk?: VirtualMachineScaleSetManagedDiskParameters

Property Value


The list of virtual hard disk container uris.

vhdContainers?: string[]

Property Value



Specifies whether writeAccelerator should be enabled or disabled on the disk.

writeAcceleratorEnabled?: boolean

Property Value
