SearchGetGeocodingQueryParamProperties interface



The official street line of an address relative to the area, as specified by the locality, or postalCode, properties. Typical use of this element would be to provide a street address or any official address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


The country subdivision portion of an address, such as WA.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


The county for the structured address, such as King.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


The named area for the structured address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


A rectangular area on the earth defined as a bounding box object. The sides of the rectangles are defined by longitude and latitude values. When you specify this parameter, the geographical area is taken into account when computing the results of a location query.

Example: lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2


A point on the earth specified as a longitude and latitude. When you specify this parameter, the user’s location is taken into account and the results returned may be more relevant to the user. Example: &coordinates=lon,lat


Restrict the geocoding result to an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code that is specified e.g. FR. This will limit the search to the specified region.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


The locality portion of an address, such as Seattle.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


The postal code portion of an address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.


A string that contains information about a location, such as an address or landmark name.


Maximum number of responses that will be returned. Default: 5, minimum: 1 and maximum: 20.


A string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code. This will alter Geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. By default, the View parameter is set to “Auto” even if you haven’t defined it in the request.

Please refer to Supported Views for details and to see the available Views.

Property Details


The official street line of an address relative to the area, as specified by the locality, or postalCode, properties. Typical use of this element would be to provide a street address or any official address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

addressLine?: string

Property Value



The country subdivision portion of an address, such as WA.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

adminDistrict?: string

Property Value



The county for the structured address, such as King.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

adminDistrict2?: string

Property Value



The named area for the structured address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

adminDistrict3?: string

Property Value



A rectangular area on the earth defined as a bounding box object. The sides of the rectangles are defined by longitude and latitude values. When you specify this parameter, the geographical area is taken into account when computing the results of a location query.

Example: lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2

bbox?: number[]

Property Value



A point on the earth specified as a longitude and latitude. When you specify this parameter, the user’s location is taken into account and the results returned may be more relevant to the user. Example: &coordinates=lon,lat

coordinates?: number[]

Property Value



Restrict the geocoding result to an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code that is specified e.g. FR. This will limit the search to the specified region.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

countryRegion?: string

Property Value



The locality portion of an address, such as Seattle.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

locality?: string

Property Value



The postal code portion of an address.

If query is given, should not use this parameter.

postalCode?: string

Property Value



A string that contains information about a location, such as an address or landmark name.

query?: string

Property Value



Maximum number of responses that will be returned. Default: 5, minimum: 1 and maximum: 20.

top?: number

Property Value



A string that represents an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 region/country code. This will alter Geopolitical disputed borders and labels to align with the specified user region. By default, the View parameter is set to “Auto” even if you haven’t defined it in the request.

Please refer to Supported Views for details and to see the available Views.

view?: string

Property Value
