PrivateLinkServiceConnectionProvisioningState type

Defines values for PrivateLinkServiceConnectionProvisioningState.
KnownPrivateLinkServiceConnectionProvisioningState can be used interchangeably with PrivateLinkServiceConnectionProvisioningState, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Updating: The private link service connection is in the process of being created along with other resources for it to be fully functional.
Deleting: The private link service connection is in the process of being deleted.
Failed: The private link service connection has failed to be provisioned or deleted.
Succeeded: The private link service connection has finished provisioning and is ready for approval.
Incomplete: Provisioning request for the private link service connection resource has been accepted but the process of creation has not commenced yet.
Canceled: Provisioning request for the private link service connection resource has been canceled

type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionProvisioningState = string