@azure/communication-chat package
ChatClient |
The client to do chat operations |
ChatThreadClient |
The client to do chat operations |
AddChatParticipantsResult |
Result of the add chat participants operation. |
AddParticipantsRequest |
Participants to be added to the thread. |
ChatAttachment |
An attachment in a chat message. |
ChatClientOptions |
Options to create chat client. |
ChatError |
The Communication Services error. |
ChatMessage |
Chat message. |
ChatMessageContent |
Content of a chat message. |
ChatMessageDeletedEvent |
Event for a deleted chat message. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ChatMessageEditedEvent |
Event for a edited chat message. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ChatMessageReadReceipt |
A chat message read receipt indicates the time a chat message was read by a recipient. |
ChatMessageReceivedEvent |
Event for a received chat message. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ChatParticipant |
A participant of the chat thread. |
ChatThreadClientOptions |
Options to create chat thread client. |
ChatThreadCreatedEvent |
Event for a created chat thread. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ChatThreadDeletedEvent |
Event for an updated chat thread. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ChatThreadItem |
Summary information of a chat thread. |
ChatThreadProperties |
Chat thread. |
ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedEvent |
Event for an updated chat thread. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
CreateChatThreadOptions |
Options to create a chat thread. |
CreateChatThreadRequest |
Request payload for creating a chat thread. |
CreateChatThreadResult |
Result of the create chat thread operation. |
ListPageSettings |
Arguments for retrieving the next page of search results. |
ParticipantsAddedEvent |
Event for participants added to a chat thread. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ParticipantsRemovedEvent |
Event for a participant added to a chat thread. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
ReadReceiptReceivedEvent |
Event for a received read receipt |
RestListChatThreadsOptions |
Optional parameters. |
RestListMessagesOptions |
Optional parameters. |
RestListParticipantsOptions |
Optional parameters. |
RestListReadReceiptsOptions |
Optional parameters. |
SendChatMessageResult |
Result of the send message operation. |
SendMessageOptions |
Options to send a chat message. |
SendMessageRequest |
Details of the message to send. |
SendReadReceiptRequest |
Request payload for sending a read receipt. |
SendTypingNotificationOptions |
Options to send typing notifications. |
TypingIndicatorReceivedEvent |
Event for a received typing indicator when a chat participant is typing. All chat participants receive this event, including the original sender |
UpdateMessageOptions |
Options to update a chat message. |
UpdateTopicOptions |
Options to update a chat thread. |
Type Aliases
AddParticipantsOptions |
Options to add a chat participant. |
ChatAttachmentType |
Defines values for AttachmentType. |
ChatEventId | |
ChatMessageType |
Defines values for ChatMessageType. |
DeleteChatThreadOptions |
Options to delete a chat thread. |
DeleteMessageOptions |
Options to delete a chat message. |
GetMessageOptions |
Options to get a chat message. |
GetPropertiesOptions |
Options to get a chat thread. |
ListChatThreadsOptions |
Options to get chat threads. |
ListMessagesOptions |
Options to list chat messages. |
ListParticipantsOptions |
Options to list chat participants. |
ListReadReceiptsOptions |
Options to list read receipts. |
RemoveParticipantOptions |
Options to remove a chat participant. |
SendReadReceiptOptions |
Options to send read receipt. |