DeviceManagerState type

This type is meant to encapsulate all the state inside <xref:%40azure%2Fcommunication-calling%23DeviceManager>. For optional parameters they may not be available until permission is granted by the user. The cameras, microphones, speakers, and deviceAccess states will be empty until the corresponding <xref:%40azure%2Fcommunication-calling%23DeviceManager>'s getCameras, getMicrophones, getSpeakers, and askDevicePermission APIs are called and completed.

type DeviceManagerState = {
  cameras: VideoDeviceInfo[]
  deviceAccess?: DeviceAccess
  isSpeakerSelectionAvailable: boolean
  microphones: AudioDeviceInfo[]
  selectedCamera?: VideoDeviceInfo
  selectedMicrophone?: AudioDeviceInfo
  selectedSpeaker?: AudioDeviceInfo
  speakers: AudioDeviceInfo[]
  unparentedViews: LocalVideoStreamState[]