BlobIndexerImageAction type

Known values supported by the service

none: Ignores embedded images or image files in the data set. This is the default. generateNormalizedImages: Extracts text from images (for example, the word "STOP" from a traffic stop sign), and embeds it into the content field. This action requires that "dataToExtract" is set to "contentAndMetadata". A normalized image refers to additional processing resulting in uniform image output, sized and rotated to promote consistent rendering when you include images in visual search results. This information is generated for each image when you use this option. generateNormalizedImagePerPage: Extracts text from images (for example, the word "STOP" from a traffic stop sign), and embeds it into the content field, but treats PDF files differently in that each page will be rendered as an image and normalized accordingly, instead of extracting embedded images. Non-PDF file types will be treated the same as if "generateNormalizedImages" was set.

type BlobIndexerImageAction =
  | "none"
  | "generateNormalizedImages"
  | "generateNormalizedImagePerPage"