@azure/storage-queue package
AccountSASPermissions |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by an AccountSAS. Setting a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant permissions for that operation. Once all the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the permissions field on an AccountSASSignatureValues object. It is possible to construct the permissions string without this class, but the order of the permissions is particular and this class guarantees correctness. |
AccountSASResourceTypes |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. This is a helper class to construct a string representing the resources accessible by an AccountSAS. Setting a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant access to that resource type. Once all the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the resources field on an AccountSASSignatureValues object. It is possible to construct the resources string without this class, but the order of the resources is particular and this class guarantees correctness. |
AccountSASServices |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. This is a helper class to construct a string representing the services accessible by an AccountSAS. Setting a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant access to that service. Once all the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the services field on an AccountSASSignatureValues object. It is possible to construct the services string without this class, but the order of the services is particular and this class guarantees correctness. |
AnonymousCredential |
AnonymousCredential provides a credentialPolicyCreator member used to create AnonymousCredentialPolicy objects. AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with HTTP(S) requests that read public resources or for use with Shared Access Signatures (SAS). |
AnonymousCredentialPolicy |
AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with HTTP(S) requests that read public resources or for use with Shared Access Signatures (SAS). |
BaseRequestPolicy |
The base class from which all request policies derive. |
Credential |
Credential is an abstract class for Azure Storage HTTP requests signing. This class will host an credentialPolicyCreator factory which generates CredentialPolicy. |
CredentialPolicy |
Credential policy used to sign HTTP(S) requests before sending. This is an abstract class. |
Pipeline |
A Pipeline class containing HTTP request policies. You can create a default Pipeline by calling newPipeline. Or you can create a Pipeline with your own policies by the constructor of Pipeline. Refer to newPipeline and provided policies before implementing your customized Pipeline. |
QueueClient |
A QueueClient represents a URL to an Azure Storage Queue's messages allowing you to manipulate its messages. |
QueueSASPermissions |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a Queue. Setting a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant permissions for that operation. Once all the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the permissions field on a QueueSASSignatureValues object. It is possible to construct the permissions string without this class, but the order of the permissions is particular and this class guarantees correctness. |
QueueServiceClient |
A QueueServiceClient represents a URL to the Azure Storage Queue service allowing you to manipulate queues. |
RestError |
A custom error type for failed pipeline requests. |
SASQueryParameters |
Represents the components that make up an Azure Storage SAS' query parameters. This type is not constructed directly by the user; it is only generated by the AccountSASSignatureValues and QueueSASSignatureValues types. Once generated, it can be encoded into a toString() and appended to a URL directly (though caution should be taken here in case there are existing query parameters, which might affect the appropriate means of appending these query parameters). NOTE: Instances of this class are immutable. |
StorageBrowserPolicy |
StorageBrowserPolicy will handle differences between Node.js and browser runtime, including:
StorageBrowserPolicyFactory |
StorageBrowserPolicyFactory is a factory class helping generating StorageBrowserPolicy objects. |
StorageRetryPolicy |
Retry policy with exponential retry and linear retry implemented. |
StorageRetryPolicyFactory |
StorageRetryPolicyFactory is a factory class helping generating StorageRetryPolicy objects. |
StorageSharedKeyCredential |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. StorageSharedKeyCredential for account key authorization of Azure Storage service. |
StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy |
StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy is a policy used to sign HTTP request with a shared key. |
AccessPolicy |
An Access policy |
AccountSASSignatureValues |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. AccountSASSignatureValues is used to generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage account. Once all the values here are set appropriately, call generateSASQueryParameters() to obtain a representation of the SAS which can actually be applied to queue urls. Note: that both this class and SASQueryParameters exist because the former is mutable and a logical representation while the latter is immutable and used to generate actual REST requests. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-dotnet-shared-access-signature-part-1 for more conceptual information on SAS See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas for descriptions of the parameters, including which are required |
CommonOptions |
An interface for options common to every remote operation. |
CorsRule |
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin domain) to call APIs in another domain |
DequeuedMessageItem |
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Get Messages on a Queue. |
EnqueuedMessage |
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Put Message on a Queue |
GeoReplication |
Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service |
HttpHeaders |
A collection of HTTP header key/value pairs. |
HttpOperationResponse |
Http Response that is compatible with the core-v1(core-http). |
HttpResponse |
A representation of an HTTP response that includes a reference to the request that originated it. |
IHttpClient |
A compatible interface for core-http request policies |
ListQueuesSegmentResponse |
The object returned when calling List Queues on a Queue Service. |
Logging |
Azure Analytics Logging settings. |
MessageIdDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for MessageId_delete operation. |
MessageIdUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for MessageId_update operation. |
MessagesClearHeaders |
Defines headers for Messages_clear operation. |
MessagesDequeueHeaders |
Defines headers for Messages_dequeue operation. |
MessagesDequeueOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MessagesEnqueueHeaders |
Defines headers for Messages_enqueue operation. |
MessagesEnqueueOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
MessagesPeekHeaders |
Defines headers for Messages_peek operation. |
MessagesPeekOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Metadata |
A collection of key-value string pairs. |
Metrics |
An interface representing Metrics. |
PeekedMessageItem |
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Peek Messages on a Queue |
PipelineLike |
An interface for the Pipeline class containing HTTP request policies. You can create a default Pipeline by calling newPipeline. Or you can create a Pipeline with your own policies by the constructor of Pipeline. Refer to newPipeline and provided policies before implementing your customized Pipeline. |
PipelineOptions |
Option interface for Pipeline constructor. |
QueueClearMessagesOptions |
Options to configure clearMessages operation |
QueueCreateHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_create operation. |
QueueCreateIfNotExistsResponse |
Contains response data for the createIfNotExists operation. |
QueueCreateOptions |
Options to configure create operation |
QueueDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_delete operation. |
QueueDeleteIfExistsResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteIfExists operation. |
QueueDeleteMessageOptions |
Options to configure the deleteMessage operation |
QueueDeleteOptions |
Options to configure delete operation |
QueueExistsOptions |
Options to configure exists operation |
QueueGenerateSasUrlOptions |
Options to configure generateSasUrl operation. |
QueueGetAccessPolicyHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_getAccessPolicy operation. |
QueueGetAccessPolicyOptions |
Options to configure getAccessPolicy operation |
QueueGetPropertiesHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_getProperties operation. |
QueueGetPropertiesOptions |
Options to configure getProperties operation |
QueueItem |
An Azure Storage Queue. |
QueuePeekMessagesOptions |
Options to configure peekMessages operation |
QueueReceiveMessageOptions |
Options to configure receiveMessages operation |
QueueSASSignatureValues |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. QueueSASSignatureValues is used to help generating Queue service SAS tokens for queues. |
QueueSendMessageOptions |
Options to configure sendMessage operation |
QueueServiceProperties |
Storage Service Properties. |
QueueServiceStatistics |
Stats for the storage service. |
QueueSetAccessPolicyHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_setAccessPolicy operation. |
QueueSetAccessPolicyOptions |
Options to configure setAccessPolicy operation |
QueueSetMetadataHeaders |
Defines headers for Queue_setMetadata operation. |
QueueSetMetadataOptions |
Options to configure setMetadata operation |
QueueUpdateMessageOptions |
Options to configure updateMessage operation |
RequestPolicyFactory |
An interface for compatibility with core-http's RequestPolicyFactory |
RequestPolicyOptions |
An interface for compatibility with RequestPolicy |
ResponseLike |
An object with a simple _response property. |
ResponseWithBody |
An object with a _response property that has body and headers already parsed into known types. |
ResponseWithHeaders |
An object with a _response property that has headers already parsed into a typed object. |
RetentionPolicy |
the retention policy |
SasIPRange |
Allowed IP range for a SAS. |
ServiceClientOptions |
A subset of |
ServiceGenerateAccountSasUrlOptions |
Options to configure generateAccountSasUrl operation. |
ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders |
Defines headers for Service_getProperties operation. |
ServiceGetPropertiesOptions |
Options to configure getProperties operation |
ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders |
Defines headers for Service_getStatistics operation. |
ServiceGetStatisticsOptions |
Options to configure getStatistics operation |
ServiceListQueuesOptions |
Options to configure listQueues operation |
ServiceListQueuesSegmentHeaders |
Defines headers for Service_listQueuesSegment operation. |
ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders |
Defines headers for Service_setProperties operation. |
ServiceSetPropertiesOptions |
Options to configure setProperties operation |
SignedIdentifier |
Signed identifier. |
SignedIdentifierModel |
signed identifier |
StoragePipelineOptions |
Options interface for the newPipeline function. |
StorageRetryOptions |
Storage Blob retry options interface. |
WebResource |
A description of a HTTP request to be made to a remote server. |
Type Aliases
CredentialPolicyCreator |
A factory function that creates a new CredentialPolicy that uses the provided nextPolicy. |
GeoReplicationStatusType |
Defines values for GeoReplicationStatusType. |
HttpRequestBody |
Types of bodies supported on the request. NodeJS.ReadableStream and () => NodeJS.ReadableStream is Node only. Blob, ReadableStream, and () => ReadableStream are browser only. |
ListQueuesIncludeType |
Defines values for ListQueuesIncludeType. Possible values include: 'metadata' |
MessageIdDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
MessageIdUpdateResponse |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
MessagesClearResponse |
Contains response data for the clear operation. |
QueueClearMessagesResponse |
Contains response data for the clearMessages operation. |
QueueCreateResponse |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
QueueDeleteMessageResponse |
Contains response data for the deleteMessage operation. |
QueueDeleteResponse |
Contains response data for the delete operation. |
QueueGetAccessPolicyResponse |
Contains response data for the getAccessPolicy operation. |
QueueGetPropertiesResponse |
Contains response data for the getProperties operation. |
QueuePeekMessagesResponse |
Contains the response data for the peekMessages operation. |
QueueReceiveMessageResponse |
Contains the response data for the receiveMessages operation. |
QueueSendMessageResponse |
Contains the response data for the sendMessage operation. |
QueueSetAccessPolicyResponse |
Contains response data for the setAccessPolicy operation. |
QueueSetMetadataResponse |
Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. |
QueueUpdateMessageResponse |
Contains response data for the updateMessage operation. |
ReceivedMessageItem |
The object returned in the |
ServiceGetPropertiesResponse |
Contains response data for the getProperties operation. |
ServiceGetStatisticsResponse |
Contains response data for the getStatistics operation. |
ServiceListQueuesSegmentResponse |
Contains response data for the listQueuesSegment operation. |
ServiceSetPropertiesResponse |
Contains response data for the setProperties operation. |
WithResponse |
A type that represents an operation result with a known _response property. |
SASProtocol |
Protocols for generated SAS. |
StorageQueueAudience |
Defines the known cloud audiences for Storage. |
StorageRetryPolicyType |
RetryPolicy types. |
generate |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. Generates a SASQueryParameters object which contains all SAS query parameters needed to make an actual REST request. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas |
generate |
ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn and identifier. WARNING: When identifier is not provided, permissions and expiresOn are required. You MUST assign value to identifier or expiresOn & permissions manually if you initial with this constructor. |
get |
To get OAuth audience for a storage account for queue service. |
is |
A helper to decide if a given argument satisfies the Pipeline contract |
new |
Creates a new Pipeline object with Credential provided. |
Function Details
generateAccountSASQueryParameters(AccountSASSignatureValues, StorageSharedKeyCredential)
Generates a SASQueryParameters object which contains all SAS query parameters needed to make an actual REST request.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas
function generateAccountSASQueryParameters(accountSASSignatureValues: AccountSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential: StorageSharedKeyCredential): SASQueryParameters
- accountSASSignatureValues
- AccountSASSignatureValues
SAS Signature values of the account
- sharedKeyCredential
- StorageSharedKeyCredential
Shared key credential.
generateQueueSASQueryParameters(QueueSASSignatureValues, StorageSharedKeyCredential)
Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters.
Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn and identifier.
WARNING: When identifier is not provided, permissions and expiresOn are required. You MUST assign value to identifier or expiresOn & permissions manually if you initial with this constructor.
function generateQueueSASQueryParameters(queueSASSignatureValues: QueueSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential: StorageSharedKeyCredential): SASQueryParameters
- queueSASSignatureValues
- QueueSASSignatureValues
- sharedKeyCredential
- StorageSharedKeyCredential
To get OAuth audience for a storage account for queue service.
function getQueueServiceAccountAudience(storageAccountName: string): string
- storageAccountName
A helper to decide if a given argument satisfies the Pipeline contract
function isPipelineLike(pipeline: unknown): pipeline
- pipeline
An argument that may be a Pipeline
true when the argument satisfies the Pipeline contract
newPipeline(StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, StoragePipelineOptions)
Creates a new Pipeline object with Credential provided.
function newPipeline(credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, pipelineOptions?: StoragePipelineOptions): Pipeline
- credential
StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential
Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the @azure/identity
package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used.
- pipelineOptions
- StoragePipelineOptions
Optional. Options.
A new Pipeline object.