ExtensionQueryFlags enum

Set of flags used to determine which set of information is retrieved when reading published extensions


None = 0

None is used to retrieve only the basic extension details.

IncludeVersions = 1

IncludeVersions will return version information for extensions returned

IncludeFiles = 2

IncludeFiles will return information about which files were found within the extension that were stored independent of the manifest. When asking for files, versions will be included as well since files are returned as a property of the versions. These files can be retrieved using the path to the file without requiring the entire manifest be downloaded.

IncludeCategoryAndTags = 4

Include the Categories and Tags that were added to the extension definition.

IncludeSharedAccounts = 8

Include the details about which accounts the extension has been shared with if the extension is a private extension.

IncludeVersionProperties = 16

Include properties associated with versions of the extension

ExcludeNonValidated = 32

Excluding non-validated extensions will remove any extension versions that either are in the process of being validated or have failed validation.

IncludeInstallationTargets = 64

Include the set of installation targets the extension has requested.

IncludeAssetUri = 128

Include the base uri for assets of this extension

IncludeStatistics = 256

Include the statistics associated with this extension

IncludeLatestVersionOnly = 512

When retrieving versions from a query, only include the latest version of the extensions that matched. This is useful when the caller doesn't need all the published versions. It will save a significant size in the returned payload.

UseFallbackAssetUri = 1024

This flag switches the asset uri to use GetAssetByName instead of CDN When this is used, values of base asset uri and base asset uri fallback are switched When this is used, source of asset files are pointed to Gallery service always even if CDN is available

IncludeMetadata = 2048

This flag is used to get all the metadata values associated with the extension. This is not applicable to VSTS or VSCode extensions and usage is only internal.

IncludeMinimalPayloadForVsIde = 4096

This flag is used to indicate to return very small data for extension required by VS IDE. This flag is only compatible when querying is done by VS IDE

IncludeLcids = 8192

This flag is used to get Lcid values associated with the extension. This is not applicable to VSTS or VSCode extensions and usage is only internal

IncludeSharedOrganizations = 16384

Include the details about which organizations the extension has been shared with if the extension is a private extension.

AllAttributes = 16863

AllAttributes is designed to be a mask that defines all sub-elements of the extension should be returned. NOTE: This is not actually All flags. This is now locked to the set defined since changing this enum would be a breaking change and would change the behavior of anyone using it. Try not to use this value when making calls to the service, instead be explicit about the options required.

IncludeNameConflictInfo = 32768

Include the details if an extension is in conflict list or not Currently being used for VSCode extensions.