PublishedExtensionFlags enum

Set of flags that can be associated with a given extension. These flags apply to all versions of the extension and not to a specific version.


None = 0

No flags exist for this extension.

Disabled = 1

The Disabled flag for an extension means the extension can't be changed and won't be used by consumers. The disabled flag is managed by the service and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers.

BuiltIn = 2

BuiltIn Extension are available to all Tenants. An explicit registration is not required. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by Extension Developers. BuiltIn extensions are by definition Public. There is no need to set the public flag for extensions marked BuiltIn.

Validated = 4

This extension has been validated by the service. The extension meets the requirements specified. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers. Validation is a process that ensures that all contributions are well formed. They meet the requirements defined by the contribution type they are extending. Note this attribute will be updated asynchronously as the extension is validated by the developer of the contribution type. There will be restricted access to the extension while this process is performed.

Trusted = 8

Trusted extensions are ones that are given special capabilities. These tend to come from Microsoft and can't be published by the general public. Note: BuiltIn extensions are always trusted.

Paid = 16

The Paid flag indicates that the commerce can be enabled for this extension. Publisher needs to setup Offer/Pricing plan in Azure. If Paid flag is set and a corresponding Offer is not available, the extension will automatically be marked as Preview. If the publisher intends to make the extension Paid in the future, it is mandatory to set the Preview flag. This is currently available only for VSTS extensions only.

Public = 256

This extension registration is public, making its visibility open to the public. This means all tenants have the ability to install this extension. Without this flag the extension will be private and will need to be shared with the tenants that can install it.

MultiVersion = 512

This extension has multiple versions active at one time and version discovery should be done using the defined "Version Discovery" protocol to determine the version available to a specific user or tenant. @TODO: Link to Version Discovery Protocol.

System = 1024

The system flag is reserved, and cant be used by publishers.

Preview = 2048

The Preview flag indicates that the extension is still under preview (not yet of "release" quality). These extensions may be decorated differently in the gallery and may have different policies applied to them.

Unpublished = 4096

The Unpublished flag indicates that the extension can't be installed/downloaded. Users who have installed such an extension can continue to use the extension.

Trial = 8192

The Trial flag indicates that the extension is in Trial version. The flag is right now being used only with respect to Visual Studio extensions.

Locked = 16384

The Locked flag indicates that extension has been locked from Marketplace. Further updates/acquisitions are not allowed on the extension until this is present. This should be used along with making the extension private/unpublished.

Hidden = 32768

This flag is set for extensions we want to hide from Marketplace home and search pages. This will be used to override the exposure of builtIn flags.