QueryFilter interface

A filter used to define a set of extensions to return during a query.



The filter values define the set of values in this query. They are applied based on the QueryFilterType.


The PagingDirection is applied to a paging token if one exists. If not the direction is ignored, and Forward from the start of the resultset is used. Direction should be left out of the request unless a paging token is used to help prevent future issues.


The page number requested by the user. If not provided 1 is assumed by default.


The page size defines the number of results the caller wants for this filter. The count can't exceed the overall query size limits.


The paging token is a distinct type of filter and the other filter fields are ignored. The paging token represents the continuation of a previously executed query. The information about where in the result and what fields are being filtered are embedded in the token.


Defines the type of sorting to be applied on the results. The page slice is cut of the sorted results only.


Defines the order of sorting, 1 for Ascending, 2 for Descending, else default ordering based on the SortBy value

Property Details


The filter values define the set of values in this query. They are applied based on the QueryFilterType.

criteria: FilterCriteria[]

Property Value


The PagingDirection is applied to a paging token if one exists. If not the direction is ignored, and Forward from the start of the resultset is used. Direction should be left out of the request unless a paging token is used to help prevent future issues.

direction: PagingDirection

Property Value


The page number requested by the user. If not provided 1 is assumed by default.

pageNumber: number

Property Value



The page size defines the number of results the caller wants for this filter. The count can't exceed the overall query size limits.

pageSize: number

Property Value



The paging token is a distinct type of filter and the other filter fields are ignored. The paging token represents the continuation of a previously executed query. The information about where in the result and what fields are being filtered are embedded in the token.

pagingToken: string

Property Value



Defines the type of sorting to be applied on the results. The page slice is cut of the sorted results only.

sortBy: number

Property Value



Defines the order of sorting, 1 for Ascending, 2 for Descending, else default ordering based on the SortBy value

sortOrder: number

Property Value
