azure-eventgrid package



Defines the base class for a Resource in Azure. It is an empty class.




The key used to identify the key-value that wasThe label, if any, used to identify the key-valueThe etag representing the key-value that was


The key used to identify the key-value that wasThe label, if any, used to identify the key-valueThe etag representing the new state of the


The event ID.The time at which the event occurred.The action that encompasses the provided event.The target of the event.The MIME type of the artifact.The size in bytes of the artifact.The digest of the artifact.The repository name of the artifact.The tag of the artifact.The name of the artifact.The version of the artifact.


The MIME type of the artifact.The size in bytes of the artifact.The digest of the artifact.The repository name of the artifact.The tag of the artifact.The name of the artifact.The version of the artifact.


The subject or username associated with the request


The event ID.The time at which the event occurred.The action that encompasses the provided event.The target of the event.The MIME type of the referenced object.The number of bytes of the content. Same asThe digest of the content, as defined byThe number of bytes of the content. Same asThe repository name.The direct URL to the content.The tag name.The request that generated the event.The ID of the request that initiated theThe IP or hostname and possibly port of theThe externally accessible hostname of theThe request method that generated theThe user agent header of the request.The agent that initiated the event. For mostThe subject or username associated with theThe registry node that generated the event. PutThe IP or hostname and the port of theThe running instance of an application.


The ID of the request that initiated the event.The IP or hostname and possibly port of the clientThe externally accessible hostname of the registryThe request method that generated the event.The user agent header of the request.


The IP or hostname and the port of the registry nodeThe running instance of an application.


The MIME type of the referenced object.The number of bytes of the content. Same as LengthThe digest of the content, as defined by theThe number of bytes of the content. Same as SizeThe repository name.The direct URL to the content.The tag name.


Sequence number is string representation


The unique identifier of the device. ThisThe unique identifier of the module. ThisName of the IoT Hub where the device was createdInformation about theSequence


The unique identifier of the device. ThisName of the IoT Hub where the device was createdInformation about the device twin, which is theAuthentication type used for thisCount of cloud to deviceWhether the device is connected orThe unique identifier of the device twin.A piece of information that describes theThe ISO8601 timestamp of the lastProperties JSON element.A portion of the properties thatMetadata information forThe ISO8601Version of device twinA portion of the properties thatMetadata informationThe ISO8601Version of device twinWhether the device twin is enabled orThe ISO8601 timestamp of the lastAn integer that is incremented by one eachThe thumbprint is a unique value forPrimary thumbprintSecondary


The content of the message from the device.Application properties are user-definedSystem properties help identify contents


Authentication type used for thisCount of cloud to deviceWhether the device is connected orThe unique identifier of the device twin.A piece of information that describes the content ofThe ISO8601 timestamp of the lastProperties JSON element.A portion of the properties that canMetadata information for theThe ISO8601Version of device twinA portion of the properties that canMetadata information for theThe ISO8601Version of device twinWhether the device twin is enabled or disabled.The ISO8601 timestamp of the last deviceAn integer that is incremented by one each timeThe thumbprint is a unique value for thePrimary thumbprint forSecondary thumbprint


A portion of the properties that can be writtenMetadata information for the propertiesThe ISO8601 timestamp of theVersion of device twin properties.A portion of the properties that can be writtenMetadata information for the propertiesThe ISO8601 timestamp ofVersion of device twin properties.


Primary thumbprint for the x509Secondary thumbprint for the x509


The ISO8601 timestamp of the last time the


Metadata information for the properties JSONThe ISO8601 timestamp of the lastVersion of device twin properties.


The resource path of the event source.The schema version of the event metadata.


The path to the capture file.The file type of the capture file.The shard ID.The file size.The number of events in the file.The smallest sequence number from theThe last sequence number from theThe first time from the queue.The last time from the queue.


Lists of the geometry ID of theLists the fence geometries that either fullyLists of the geometry IDTrue if at least one event is published


ID of the device.Distance from the coordinate to the closestThe unique ID for the geofence geometry.Latitude of the nearest point of the geometry.Longitude of the nearest point of theThe unique id returned from user upload service when


Gets the Job outputs.


Error code describing the error. Possible valuesA human-readable language-dependentHelps with categorization of errors. PossibleIndicates that it may be possible to retry the Job.An array of details about specific errors that led


Code describing the error detail.A human-readable representation of the error.


Gets the Job outputs.


Gets the Job outputs.


Gets the Job output error.Error code describing the error. PossibleA human-readable language-dependentHelps with categorization of errors.Indicates that it may be possible to retryAn array of details about specific errorsGets the Job output label.


Gets the Job output asset name.


Gets the Job output label.Gets the Job output progress.Gets the Job correlation data.


The previous state of the Job. PossibleGets the output.Gets the Job output error.Error code describing the error.A human-readable language-dependentHelps with categorization ofIndicates that it may be possible toAn array of details about specificGets the Job output label.Gets the Job output progress.Gets the Job output state. Possible valuesPolymorphic DiscriminatorGets the Job correlation data.


The previous state of the Job. PossibleThe new state of the Job. Possible values include:Gets the Job correlation data.


Gets the ingest URL provided by the live event.Gets the stream Id.Gets the remote IP.Gets the remote port.Gets the result code.


Gets the ingest URL provided by the live event.Gets the stream Id.Gets the remote IP.Gets the remote port.


Gets the ingest URL provided by the live event.Gets the stream Id.Gets the remote IP.Gets the remote port.Gets the result code.


Gets the timestamp of the data chunk dropped.Gets the type of the track (Audio / Video).Gets the bitrate of the track.Gets the timescale of the Timestamp.Gets the result code for fragment dropGets the name of the track for which fragment


Gets the ingest URL provided by the live event.Gets the type of the track (Audio / Video).Gets the track name.Gets the bitrate of the track.Gets the remote IP.Gets the remote port.Gets the first timestamp of the data chunkGets the duration of the first data chunk.Gets the timescale in which timestamp is


Gets the minimum last timestampGets the type of streamGets the maximum timestamp among all theGets the type of streamGets the timescale in whichGets the timescale in which


Gets the first timestamp received for oneGets the duration of the data chunk withGets the timestamp received for someGets the duration of the data chunk withGets the timescale in which both the timestamps


Gets the type of the track (Audio / Video).Gets the track name.Gets the bitrate of the track.Gets the incoming bitrate.Gets the last timestamp.Gets the timescale of the last timestamp.Gets the fragment Overlap count.Gets the fragment Discontinuity count.Gets Non increasing count.Gets a value indicating whetherGets the state of the live event.Gets a value indicating whether preview is


Gets the type of the track (Audio / Video).Gets the track name.Gets the bitrate.Gets the timestamp of the previousGets the timestamp of the current fragment.Gets the timescale in which both timestamps andGets the discontinuity gap between


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The tenant ID of the resource.The subscription ID of the resource.The resource group of the resource.The resource provider performing theThe URI of the resource in the operation.The operation that was performed.The status of the operation.The requested authorization for theThe properties of the claims.An operation ID used for troubleshooting.The details of the operation.


The namespace name of theThe endpoint of the Microsoft.ServiceBusThe entity type of the Microsoft.ServiceBusThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus queue. IfThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus topic. IfThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus


The namespace name of theThe endpoint of the Microsoft.ServiceBusThe entity type of the Microsoft.ServiceBusThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus queue. IfThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus topic. IfThe name of the Microsoft.ServiceBus


The name of the API/operation that triggered thisA request id provided by the client ofThe request id generated by the Storage serviceThe etag of the object at the time this event wasThe content type of the blob. This is theThe size of the blob in bytes. This is theThe type of blob.The path to the blob.An opaque string value representing the logicalFor service use only. Diagnostic data


The name of the API/operation that triggered thisA request id provided by the client ofThe request id generated by the Storage serviceThe content type of the blob. This is theThe type of blob.The path to the blob.An opaque string value representing the logicalFor service use only. Diagnostic data


The Azure resource ID of the deleted


The validation code sent by Azure EventThe validation URL sent by Azure Event Grid


The validation response sent by the