azure-maps-spatial-io package
CsvReader |
A class that reads data from a delimited data set. |
CsvWriter |
A class that writes data as a delimited data set. |
GmlReader |
A static class that reads GML data. |
GmlWriter |
A static class that writes GML data. |
SimpleXmlReader |
A simple and fast xml reader that converts an XML string into a JSON object. Ignores tags that start with "<!" or "<?" as these are usually comments, XML schema, or doctype tags. Supports CData tag: <![[CData ]]> Can extract all namespaces in the document. |
SimpleXmlWriter |
A simple and fast XML writing class that makes it easy to efficiently build an XML string. |
Add |
An add operator filter. |
And |
Represents an AND logic operator filter. |
BinaryComparisonOpType |
Abstract class for binary comparison operator filters. |
CustomFilter |
Represents a custom defined XML Filter string component. Do not wrap with the tag. |
Div |
A divide operator filter. |
Filter |
Abstract filter class in which all other filters inherit from. |
Id |
Represents a filter on the GML id of a shape. Uses ogc:GmlObjectId for version 1.1.0 and fes:ResourceId for all other versions. Version 1.0.0 typically does not support this filter. |
IsBetween |
Checks to see if a value is between two other specified values. |
IsEqual |
Compares two values to see if they are equal. |
IsGreaterThan |
Checks to see if one value is greater than another. |
IsGreaterThanOrEqual |
Checks to see if one value is greater than or equal to another. |
IsLessThan |
Checks to see if one value is less than another. |
IsLessThanOrEqual |
Checks to see if one value is less than or equal to another. |
IsLike |
Checks to see if a value is like another using a wild card search. |
IsNil |
Checks to see if a value is nil. |
IsNotEqual |
Compares two values to see if they are not equal. |
IsNull |
Checks to see if a value is null. |
LogicOperatorFilter |
Represents a logic operator filter. |
MathOperator |
An abstract class in which all math operator filters inherit from. |
Mul |
A multiply operator filter. |
Not |
Represents an NOT logic operator filter. |
Or |
Represents an OR logic operator filter. |
PropertyName |
Property name value. |
Sub |
A subtract operator filter. |
WfsClient |
A class that manages connections to an OGC Web Mapping Feature Service (WFS) |
A static class for reading/writing Well Known Text (WKT) strings as GeoJSON geometries. |
OgcMapLayer |
Renders raster tiled images on top of the map tiles from an OGC Web Mapping Service (WMS or WMTS). |
SimpleDataLayer |
A layer that simplifies the rendering of geospatial data on the map. Note: Because this layer wraps other layers which will be added/removed with this some layer ordering operations are not supported. Adding this layer before another, adding another layer before this, and moving this layer are not supported. These restrictions only apply to this layer and not the layers wrapped by this. |
SpatialDataSet |
A data object that contains a set of features and/or kml ground overlays. This is an extension of the FeatureCollection class thus allowing it to easily be added to a data source. |
BaseSpatialDataReadOptions |
Options used for reading spatial data files. |
BaseSpatialXmlReadOptions |
Options that customize how XML files are read and parsed. |
CsvHeader |
Column header definition for a delimited file. |
CustomGmlNamespace |
Defines a custom XML namespace. |
ExtendedFeatureCollection |
A Feature Collection that has properties for the collection. |
GmlReadOptions |
Options that customize how GML files are read and parsed. |
GmlWriteOptions |
Options that are used to customize how to write GML. |
GpxReadOptions |
Options that customize how GPX files are read and parsed. |
XmlDocument |
Represents an XML Document object. |
XmlNode |
Represents an XML Node object. |
BinaryComparisonOptions |
Options for a binary comparison filter. |
IsNilOptions |
Options for an IsNil filter. |
LikeOptions |
Options for a Like filter. |
KmlReadOptions |
Options that customize how KML files are read and parsed. |
OgcDimension |
A custom OGC dimension. |
OgcMapLayerCapabilities |
An object that describes the capabilities of an OGC WMS and WMTS service. |
OgcMapLayerOptions |
Options for an OGC layer. |
OgcStyle |
OGC WMS and WMTS layer style information. |
OgcSublayer |
Sublayer information for OGC WMS and WMTS services. |
SimpleDataLayerGroup |
A collection of sub layers used by the SimpleDataLayer class for rendering shapes. |
SimpleDataLayerOptions |
Options used to customize how the SimpleDataLayer renders. |
SimpleStyleProperties |
A set of common properties that may be included in feature properties capture style information and common content when reading or writing a spatial data. The SimpleDataLayer uses these properties to dynamically style the data it renders. Most of these are the property values used in the geometries respective layer options. |
SpatialCsvReadOptions |
Options used for reading delimited files. |
SpatialCsvWriteOptions |
Options for writing delimited files. |
SpatialDataSetStats |
Statistics about the content and processing time of a XML feed. |
SpatialDataWriteOptions |
Base options for writing spatial data. |
SpatialXmlWriteOptions |
Options that are used to customize how to write XML. |
WfsCapabilities |
The capabilities of a WFS service. |
WfsFeatureRequest |
Options for requesting features from a WFS service. |
WfsFeatureType |
Information about a feature type in a WFS service. |
WfsFeatureTypeDescription |
Details about a feature type. |
WfsServiceOptions |
Options for connecting to a WFS service. |
Type Aliases
Literal |
A literal value type. string, number, boolean, or Date |
SpatialDataReadOptions |
Options that customize how spatial files are read and parsed. |