Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewLoadOptions interface

Represents a named sheet view of a worksheet. A sheet view stores the sort and filter rules for a particular worksheet. Every sheet view (even a temporary sheet view) has a unique, worksheet-scoped name that is used to access the view.


[ API set: ExcelApiOnline 1.1 ]



Specifying $all for the load options loads all the scalar properties (such as Range.address) but not the navigational properties (such as Range.format.fill.color).


Gets or sets the name of the sheet view. The temporary sheet view name is the empty string (""). Naming the view by using the name property causes the sheet view to be saved.

Property Details


Specifying $all for the load options loads all the scalar properties (such as Range.address) but not the navigational properties (such as Range.format.fill.color).

$all?: boolean;

Property Value



Gets or sets the name of the sheet view. The temporary sheet view name is the empty string (""). Naming the view by using the name property causes the sheet view to be saved.

name?: boolean;

Property Value



[ API set: ExcelApiOnline 1.1 ]