Excel.TableRowCollection class

Represents a collection of all the rows that are part of the table.

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 ]



The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.


Returns the number of rows in the table.


Gets the loaded child items in this collection.


add(index, values, alwaysInsert)

Adds one or more rows to the table. The return object will be the top of the newly added row(s).

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.

addAsJson(index, values, alwaysInsert)

Adds one or more rows to the table. The returned object will be the top row of the newly added row or rows. Unlike add(), addAsJson() takes any type of cell value, such as image or entity data types.

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.


Gets the number of rows in the table.


Gets a row based on its position in the collection.

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.


Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that is passed to it.) Whereas the original Excel.TableRowCollection object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionData) that contains an "items" array with shallow copies of any loaded properties from the collection's items.

Property Details


The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.

context: RequestContext;

Property Value


Returns the number of rows in the table.

readonly count: number;

Property Value



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 ]


Gets the loaded child items in this collection.

readonly items: Excel.TableRow[];

Property Value

Method Details

add(index, values, alwaysInsert)

Adds one or more rows to the table. The return object will be the top of the newly added row(s).

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.

add(index?: number, values?: Array<Array<boolean | string | number>> | boolean | string | number, alwaysInsert?: boolean): Excel.TableRow;




Optional. Specifies the relative position of the new row. If null or -1, the addition happens at the end. Any rows below the inserted row are shifted downwards. Zero-indexed.


Array<Array<boolean | string | number>> | boolean | string | number

Optional. A 2D array of unformatted values of the table row.



Optional. Specifies whether the new rows will be inserted into the table when new rows are added. If true, the new rows will be inserted into the table. If false, the new rows will be added below the table. Default is true.



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 for adding a single row; 1.4 allows adding of multiple rows; 1.15 for adding alwaysInsert parameter. ]


await Excel.run(async (context) => { 
    const tables = context.workbook.tables;
    const values = [["Sample", "Values", "For", "New", "Row"]];
    const row = tables.getItem("Table1").rows.add(null, values);
    await context.sync();

addAsJson(index, values, alwaysInsert)

Adds one or more rows to the table. The returned object will be the top row of the newly added row or rows. Unlike add(), addAsJson() takes any type of cell value, such as image or entity data types.

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.

addAsJson(index?: number, values?: CellValue[][], alwaysInsert?: boolean): Excel.TableRow;




Optional. Specifies the relative position of the new row. If null or -1, the addition happens at the end. Any rows below the inserted row are shifted downwards. Zero-indexed.



Optional. A 2D array of cell values of the table row.



Optional. Specifies whether the new rows will be inserted into the table when new rows are added. If true, the new rows will be inserted into the table. If false, the new rows will be added below the table. Default is true.



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.16 ]


Gets the number of rows in the table.

getCount(): OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number>;



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.4 ]


Gets a row based on its position in the collection.

Note that unlike ranges or columns, which will adjust if new rows or columns are added before them, a TableRow object represents the physical location of the table row, but not the data. That is, if the data is sorted or if new rows are added, a table row will continue to point at the index for which it was created.

getItemAt(index: number): Excel.TableRow;




Index value of the object to be retrieved. Zero-indexed.



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 ]


await Excel.run(async (context) => {
    const tablerow = context.workbook.tables.getItem('Table1').rows.getItemAt(0);
    await context.sync();


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(options?: Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionLoadOptions & Excel.Interfaces.CollectionLoadOptions): Excel.TableRowCollection;



Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionLoadOptions & Excel.Interfaces.CollectionLoadOptions

Provides options for which properties of the object to load.



Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNames?: string | string[]): Excel.TableRowCollection;



string | string[]

A comma-delimited string or an array of strings that specify the properties to load.



await Excel.run(async (context) => { 
    const tablerows = context.workbook.tables.getItem('Table1').rows;
    await context.sync();
    console.log("tablerows Count: " + tablerows.count);
    for (let i = 0; i < tablerows.items.length; i++) {


Queues up a command to load the specified properties of the object. You must call context.sync() before reading the properties.

load(propertyNamesAndPaths?: OfficeExtension.LoadOption): Excel.TableRowCollection;



propertyNamesAndPaths.select is a comma-delimited string that specifies the properties to load, and propertyNamesAndPaths.expand is a comma-delimited string that specifies the navigation properties to load.



Overrides the JavaScript toJSON() method in order to provide more useful output when an API object is passed to JSON.stringify(). (JSON.stringify, in turn, calls the toJSON method of the object that is passed to it.) Whereas the original Excel.TableRowCollection object is an API object, the toJSON method returns a plain JavaScript object (typed as Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionData) that contains an "items" array with shallow copies of any loaded properties from the collection's items.

toJSON(): Excel.Interfaces.TableRowCollectionData;
