Office.Context interface

Represents the runtime environment of the add-in and provides access to key objects of the API. The current context exists as a property of Office. It's accessed using Office.context.


Support details

For more information about Office application and server requirements, see Requirements for running Office Add-ins.

Supported applications, by platform

Office on the web Office on Windows Office on Mac Office on iPad Outlook on mobile devices
Excel Supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable
Outlook Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
PowerPoint Supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable
Project Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Not applicable
Word Supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable



Provides information and access to the signed-in user.


True, if the current platform allows the add-in to display a UI for selling or upgrading; otherwise returns False.


Gets the locale (language) specified by the user for editing the document or item.


Gets information about the environment in which the add-in is running.


Gets the locale (language) specified by the user for the UI of the Office application.


Gets an object that represents the document the content or task pane add-in is interacting with.


Contains the Office application in which the add-in is running.


Gets the license information for the user's Office installation.


Provides access to the Microsoft Outlook add-in object model.


Provides access to the properties for Office theme colors.


Gets a partition key for local storage. Add-ins should use this partition key as part of the storage key to securely store data. The partition key is undefined in environments without partitioning, such as the browser controls for Windows applications.


Provides the platform on which the add-in is running.


Provides a method for determining what requirement sets are supported on the current Office application and platform.


Gets an object that represents the custom settings or state of a mail add-in saved to a user's mailbox.

The RoamingSettings object lets you store and access data for a mail add-in that is stored in a user's mailbox, so it's available to that add-in when it is running from any client application used to access that mailbox.


Gets the object to check the status of the catalog of sensitivity labels in Outlook and retrieve all available sensitivity labels if the catalog is enabled.


Specifies whether the platform and device allows touch interaction. True if the add-in is running on a touch device, such as an iPad; false otherwise.


Provides objects and methods that you can use to create and manipulate UI components, such as dialog boxes.


Gets the object to retrieve the runtime URLs of an add-in.

Property Details



This API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Provides information and access to the signed-in user.

auth: Auth;

Property Value


True, if the current platform allows the add-in to display a UI for selling or upgrading; otherwise returns False.

commerceAllowed: boolean;

Property Value



Applications: Excel, Word

commerceAllowed is only supported in Office on iPad.

The iOS App Store doesn't support apps with add-ins that provide links to additional payment systems. However, Office Add-ins running in Office on the Windows desktop or in the browser do allow such links. If you want the UI of your add-in to provide a link to an external payment system on platforms other than iOS, you can use the commerceAllowed property to control when that link is displayed.


// Check if the add-in is running on an iPad.
const allowCommerce = Office.context.commerceAllowed;
const isTouchEnabled = Office.context.touchEnabled;
if (!allowCommerce && isTouchEnabled) {
    // Add-in is running on an iPad.
    // Do something.


Gets the locale (language) specified by the user for editing the document or item.

contentLanguage: string;

Property Value



The contentLanguage value reflects the Editing Language setting specified with File > Options > Language in the Office application.

Support details

For more information about Office application and server requirements, see Requirements for running Office Add-ins.

Supported applications, by platform

Office on the web Office on Windows Office on Mac Office on iPad Outlook on mobile devices
Excel Supported Supported Not supported Supported Not applicable
Outlook Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
PowerPoint Supported Supported Not supported Supported Not applicable
Project Not supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not applicable
Word Supported Supported Not supported Supported Not applicable


function sayHelloWithContentLanguage() {
    const myContentLanguage = Office.context.contentLanguage;
    switch (myContentLanguage) {
        case 'en-US':
        case 'en-NZ':
            write('G\'day mate!');
// Function that writes to a div with id='message' on the page.
function write(message){
    document.getElementById('message').innerText += message; 


Gets information about the environment in which the add-in is running.

diagnostics: ContextInformation;

Property Value


Important: In Outlook, this property is available from Mailbox requirement set 1.5. For all Mailbox requirement sets, you can use the Office.context.mailbox.diagnostics property to get similar information.


const contextInfo = Office.context.diagnostics;
console.log("Office application: " +;
console.log("Office version: " + contextInfo.version);
console.log("Platform: " + contextInfo.platform);


Gets the locale (language) specified by the user for the UI of the Office application.

displayLanguage: string;

Property Value



The returned value is a string in the RFC 1766 Language tag format, such as en-US.

The displayLanguage value reflects the current Display Language setting specified with File > Options > Language in the Office application.

When using in Outlook, the applicable modes are Compose or Read.

Support details

For more information about Office application and server requirements, see Requirements for running Office Add-ins.

Supported applications, by platform

Office on the web Office on Windows Office on Mac Office on iPad Outlook on mobile devices
Excel Supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable
Outlook Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
PowerPoint Supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable
Project Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Not applicable
Word Not supported Supported Supported Supported Not applicable


function sayHelloWithDisplayLanguage() {
    const myDisplayLanguage = Office.context.displayLanguage;
    switch (myDisplayLanguage) {
        case 'en-US':
        case 'en-NZ':
            write('G\'day mate!');
// Function that writes to a div with id='message' on the page.
function write(message){
    document.getElementById('message').innerText += message; 


Gets an object that represents the document the content or task pane add-in is interacting with.

document: Office.Document;

Property Value


// Extension initialization code.
let _document;

// The initialize function is required for all add-ins.
Office.initialize = function () {
    // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, code specific to the add-in can run.
    // Initialize instance variables to access API objects.
    _document = Office.context.document;


Contains the Office application in which the add-in is running.

host: HostType;

Property Value


Important: In Outlook, this property is available from Mailbox requirement set 1.5. You can also use the Office.context.diagnostics property to get the application starting with requirement set 1.5. For all Mailbox requirement sets, you can use the Office.context.mailbox.diagnostics property to get similar information.


const host =;
if (host === Office.HostType.Excel || host === Office.HostType.PowerPoint || host === Office.HostType.Word) {
    // Do something.
} else if (host === Office.HostType.Outlook) {
    // Do something.


Gets the license information for the user's Office installation.

license: object;

Property Value



const license = Office.context.license;
console.log(`Office license: ${license}`);


Provides access to the Microsoft Outlook add-in object model.

mailbox: Office.Mailbox;

Property Value


Minimum permission level: restricted

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose or Read

Key properties:

  • diagnostics: Provides diagnostic information to an Outlook add-in.

  • item: Provides methods and properties for accessing a message or appointment in an Outlook add-in.

  • userProfile: Provides information about the user in an Outlook add-in.


// The following line of code access the item object of the JavaScript API for Office.
const item = Office.context.mailbox.item;


Provides access to the properties for Office theme colors.

officeTheme: OfficeTheme;

Property Value


function applyOfficeTheme() {
    // Identify the current Office theme in use.
    const currentOfficeTheme = Office.context.officeTheme.themeId;

    if (currentOfficeTheme === Office.ThemeId.Colorful || currentOfficeTheme === Office.ThemeId.White) {
        console.log("No changes required.");

    // Get the colors of the current Office theme.
    const bodyBackgroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.bodyBackgroundColor;
    const bodyForegroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.bodyForegroundColor;
    const controlBackgroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.controlBackgroundColor;
    const controlForegroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.controlForegroundColor;

    // Apply theme colors to a CSS class.
    $("body").css("background-color", bodyBackgroundColor);

    if (Office.context.officeTheme.isDarkTheme()) {
        $("h1").css("color", controlForegroundColor);


Gets a partition key for local storage. Add-ins should use this partition key as part of the storage key to securely store data. The partition key is undefined in environments without partitioning, such as the browser controls for Windows applications.

partitionKey: string;

Property Value



See the article Persist add-in state and settings for more information.


// Store the value "Hello" in local storage with the key "myKey1".
setInLocalStorage("myKey1", "Hello");

// ... 

// Retrieve the value stored in local storage under the key "myKey1".
const message = getFromLocalStorage("myKey1");

// ...

function setInLocalStorage(key: string, value: string) {
    const myPartitionKey = Office.context.partitionKey;

    // Check if local storage is partitioned. 
    // If so, use the partition to ensure the data is only accessible by your add-in.
    if (myPartitionKey) {
        localStorage.setItem(myPartitionKey + key, value);
    } else {
        localStorage.setItem(key, value);

function getFromLocalStorage(key: string) {
    const myPartitionKey = Office.context.partitionKey;

    // Check if local storage is partitioned.
    if (myPartitionKey) {
        return localStorage.getItem(myPartitionKey + key);
    } else {
        return localStorage.getItem(key);


Provides the platform on which the add-in is running.

platform: PlatformType;

Property Value



  • In Outlook, this property is available from Mailbox requirement set 1.5. You can also use the Office.context.diagnostics property to get the platform starting with requirement set 1.5. For all Mailbox requirement sets, you can use the Office.context.mailbox.diagnostics property to get similar information.

  • In Outlook, OfficeOnline is returned if an add-is is running in Outlook on the web or in new Outlook on Windows.


// Request permission from a user to access their devices from Office on the web.
if (Office.context.platform === Office.PlatformType.OfficeOnline) {
    const deviceCapabilities = [,
        .then((isGranted) => {
            if (isGranted) {
                // Do something with device capabilities.
        .catch((error) => {
            console.log("Permission denied.");


Provides a method for determining what requirement sets are supported on the current Office application and platform.

requirements: RequirementSetSupport;

Property Value


// To use the setCellProperties API, check if ExcelApi 1.9 is supported.
if (Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported("ExcelApi", "1.9")) {
    const cellProperties: Excel.SettableCellProperties[][] = => =>
                format: {
                    fill: {
                        color: color
    sheet.getRangeByIndexes(1, 1, originalSize, originalSize).setCellProperties(cellProperties);


Gets an object that represents the custom settings or state of a mail add-in saved to a user's mailbox.

The RoamingSettings object lets you store and access data for a mail add-in that is stored in a user's mailbox, so it's available to that add-in when it is running from any client application used to access that mailbox.

roamingSettings: Office.RoamingSettings;

Property Value


Minimum permission level: restricted

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose or Read


// Get the current value of the 'myKey' setting.
const value = Office.context.roamingSettings.get('myKey');
// Update the value of the 'myKey' setting.
Office.context.roamingSettings.set('myKey', 'Hello World!');
// Persist the change.


Gets the object to check the status of the catalog of sensitivity labels in Outlook and retrieve all available sensitivity labels if the catalog is enabled.

sensitivityLabelsCatalog: Office.SensitivityLabelsCatalog;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.13 ]

Minimum permission level: read/write item

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose


// Check if the catalog of sensitivity labels is enabled on the current mailbox.
Office.context.sensitivityLabelsCatalog.getIsEnabledAsync((asyncResult) => {
    // If the catalog is enabled, get all available sensitivity labels.
    if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded && asyncResult.value == true) {
        Office.context.sensitivityLabelsCatalog.getAsync((asyncResult) => {
            if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
                const catalog = asyncResult.value;
                console.log("Sensitivity Labels Catalog:");
            } else {
                console.log("Action failed with error: " + asyncResult.error.message);
    } else {
        console.log("Action failed with error: " + asyncResult.error.message);


Specifies whether the platform and device allows touch interaction. True if the add-in is running on a touch device, such as an iPad; false otherwise.

touchEnabled: boolean;

Property Value



Applications: Excel, PowerPoint, Word

touchEnabled is only supported in Office on iPad.

Use the touchEnabled property to determine when your add-in is running on a touch device and if necessary, adjust the kind of controls, and size and spacing of elements in your add-in's UI to accommodate touch interactions.


// Check if the add-in is running on an iPad.
const allowCommerce = Office.context.commerceAllowed;
const isTouchEnabled = Office.context.touchEnabled;
if (!allowCommerce && isTouchEnabled) {
    // Add-in is running on an iPad.
    // Do something.


Provides objects and methods that you can use to create and manipulate UI components, such as dialog boxes.

ui: UI;

Property Value


// Open a dialog and register an event handler.
    { height: 30, width: 20 },
    (asyncResult) => {
        const dialog = asyncResult.value;
        dialog.addEventHandler(Office.EventType.DialogMessageReceived, (arg) => {


Gets the object to retrieve the runtime URLs of an add-in.

urls: Urls;

Property Value


Applications: Outlook on the web and on Windows (new and classic clients)

[ API set: Mailbox 1.14 ]

Minimum permission level: restricted

Applicable Outlook mode: Compose or Read


  • In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, this API isn't supported in add-ins that implement a task pane. On these clients, the API is only supported in add-ins that implement event-based activation or integrated spam reporting.

  • In classic Outlook on Windows, this API is supported in add-ins that implement a task pane, event-based activation, or integrated spam reporting.


// Get the value of the first parameter of the JavaScript runtime URL.
// For example, if the URL is,
// the following function logs "First parameter value: value1" to the console.
const url = Office.context.urls.javascriptRuntimeUrl;
const regex = /=([^&]+)/;
console.log(`First parameter value: ${url.match(regex)[1]}`);