Office.AppointmentRead interface

The appointment attendee mode of Office.context.mailbox.item.

Important: This is an internal Outlook object, not directly exposed through existing interfaces. You should treat this as a mode of Office.context.mailbox.item. For more information, refer to the Object Model page.

Parent interfaces:




Gets the item's attachments as an array.


Gets an object that provides methods for manipulating the body of an item.


Gets an object that provides methods for managing the item's categories.


Gets the date and time that an item was created.


Gets the date and time that an item was last modified.


Gets the date and time that the appointment is to end.

The end property is a Date object expressed as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time value. You can use the convertToLocalClientTime method to convert the end property value to the client's local date and time.

When you use the Time.setAsync method to set the end time, you should use the convertToUtcClientTime method to convert the local time on the client to UTC for the server.


Gets the locations of an appointment.

The enhancedLocation property returns an EnhancedLocation object that allows you to get the set of locations (each represented by a LocationDetails object) associated with the appointment.


Gets the Exchange Web Services item class of the selected appointment.

Returns IPM.Appointment for non-recurring appointments and IPM.Appointment.Occurrence for recurring appointments.


Gets the Exchange Web Services item identifier for the current item.

The itemId property is not available in compose mode. If an item identifier is required, the saveAsync method can be used to save the item to the store, which will return the item identifier in the asyncResult.value parameter in the callback function.

Note: The identifier returned by the itemId property is the same as the Exchange Web Services item identifier. The itemId property is not identical to the Outlook Entry ID or the ID used by the Outlook REST API. Before making REST API calls using this value, it should be converted using Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId. For more details, see Use the Outlook REST APIs from an Outlook add-in.


Gets the type of item that an instance represents.

The itemType property returns one of the ItemType enumeration values, indicating whether the item object instance is a message or an appointment.


Gets the location of an appointment.

The location property returns a string that contains the location of the appointment.


Gets the subject of an item, with all prefixes removed (including RE: and FWD:).

The normalizedSubject property gets the subject of the item, with any standard prefixes (such as RE: and FW:) that are added by email programs. To get the subject of the item with the prefixes intact, use the subject property.


Gets the notification messages for an item.


Provides access to the optional attendees of an event. The type of object and level of access depend on the mode of the current item.

The optionalAttendees property returns an array that contains an EmailAddressDetails object for each optional attendee to the meeting. The maximum number of attendees returned varies per Outlook client.

  • Windows: 500 attendees

  • Android, classic Mac UI, iOS: 100 attendees

  • New Mac UI, web browser: No limit


Gets the meeting organizer's email properties.


Gets the recurrence pattern of an appointment. Gets the recurrence pattern of a meeting request.

The recurrence property returns a Recurrence object for recurring appointments or meetings requests if an item is a series or an instance in a series. null is returned for single appointments and meeting requests of single appointments.

Note: Meeting requests have an itemClass value of IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request.

Note: If the recurrence object is null, this indicates that the object is a single appointment or a meeting request of a single appointment and NOT a part of a series.


Provides access to the required attendees of an event. The type of object and level of access depend on the mode of the current item.

The requiredAttendees property returns an array that contains an EmailAddressDetails object for each required attendee to the meeting. The maximum number of attendees returned varies per Outlook client.

  • Windows: 500 attendees

  • Android, classic Mac UI, iOS: 100 attendees

  • New Mac UI, web browser: No limit


Provides the sensitivity value of the appointment.


Gets the ID of the series that an instance belongs to.

In Outlook on the web, on Windows (new and classic), and on Mac, the seriesId returns the Exchange Web Services (EWS) ID of the parent (series) item that this item belongs to. However, on iOS and Android, the seriesId returns the REST ID of the parent item.

Note: The identifier returned by the seriesId property is the same as the Exchange Web Services item identifier. The seriesId property is not identical to the Outlook IDs used by the Outlook REST API. Before making REST API calls using this value, it should be converted using Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId. For more details, see Use the Outlook REST APIs from an Outlook add-in.

The seriesId property returns null for items that do not have parent items such as single appointments, series items, or meeting requests and returns undefined for any other items that are not meeting requests.


Gets the date and time that the appointment is to begin.

The start property is a Date object expressed as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time value. You can use the convertToLocalClientTime method to convert the value to the client's local date and time.


Gets the description that appears in the subject field of an item.

The subject property gets or sets the entire subject of the item, as sent by the email server.

The subject property returns a string. Use the normalizedSubject property to get the subject minus any leading prefixes such as RE: and FW:.


addHandlerAsync(eventType, handler, options, callback)

Adds an event handler for a supported event. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

addHandlerAsync(eventType, handler, callback)

Adds an event handler for a supported event. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.


Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData, options, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyAllFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyAllFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.


Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

displayReplyFormAsync(formData, options, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyFormAsync(formData, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId, options, callback)

Gets an attachment from a message or appointment and returns it as an AttachmentContent object.

The getAttachmentContentAsync method gets the attachment with the specified identifier from the item. As a best practice, you should get the attachment's identifier from an item.attachments call, then in the same session, use that identifier to retrieve the attachment. In Outlook on the web, on mobile devices, and in new Outlook on Windows, the attachment identifier is valid only within the same session. A session is over when the user closes the app, or if the user starts composing an inline form then subsequently pops out the form to continue in a separate window.

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId, callback)

Gets an attachment from a message or appointment and returns it as an AttachmentContent object.

The getAttachmentContentAsync method gets the attachment with the specified identifier from the item. As a best practice, you should get the attachment's identifier from an item.attachments call, then in the same session, use that identifier to retrieve the attachment. In Outlook on the web, on mobile devices, and in new Outlook on Windows, the attachment identifier is valid only within the same session. A session is over when the user closes the app, or if the user starts composing an inline form then subsequently pops out the form to continue in a separate window.


Gets the entities found in the selected item's body.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.


Gets an array of all the entities of the specified entity type found in the selected item's body.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.


Returns well-known entities in the selected item that pass the named filter defined in an add-in only manifest file.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

getInitializationContextAsync(options, callback)

Gets initialization data passed when the add-in is activated by an actionable message.


Gets initialization data passed when the add-in is activated by an actionable message.


Returns string values in the selected item that match the regular expressions defined in an add-in only manifest file.


Returns string values in the selected item that match the named regular expression defined in an add-in only manifest file.


Gets the entities found in a highlighted match a user has selected. Highlighted matches apply to contextual add-ins.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.


Returns string values in a highlighted match that match the regular expressions defined in an add-in only manifest file. Highlighted matches apply to contextual add-ins.

getSharedPropertiesAsync(options, callback)

Gets the properties of an appointment or message in a shared folder or shared mailbox.

For more information around using this API, see Enable shared folders and shared mailbox scenarios in an Outlook add-in.


Gets the properties of an appointment or message in a shared folder or shared mailbox.

For more information around using this API, see Enable shared folders and shared mailbox scenarios in an Outlook add-in.

loadCustomPropertiesAsync(callback, userContext)

Asynchronously loads custom properties for this add-in on the selected item.

Custom properties are stored as key-value pairs on a per-app, per-item basis. This method returns a CustomProperties object in the callback, which provides methods to access the custom properties specific to the current item and the current add-in. Custom properties aren't encrypted on the item, so this shouldn't be used as secure storage.

The custom properties are provided as a CustomProperties object in the asyncResult.value property. This object can be used to get, set, save, and remove custom properties from the mail item.

removeHandlerAsync(eventType, options, callback)

Removes the event handlers for a supported event type. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

removeHandlerAsync(eventType, callback)

Removes the event handlers for a supported event type. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

Property Details


Gets the item's attachments as an array.

attachments: AttachmentDetails[];

Property Value


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Note: Certain types of files are blocked by Outlook due to potential security issues and are therefore not returned. For more information, see Blocked attachments in Outlook.


// The following code builds an HTML string with details of all attachments on the current item.
const item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
let outputString = "";

if (item.attachments.length > 0) {
    for (let i = 0 ; i < item.attachments.length ; i++) {
        const attachment = item.attachments[i];
        outputString += "<BR>" + i + ". Name: ";
        outputString +=;
        outputString += "<BR>ID: " +;
        outputString += "<BR>contentType: " + attachment.contentType;
        outputString += "<BR>size: " + attachment.size;
        outputString += "<BR>attachmentType: " + attachment.attachmentType;
        outputString += "<BR>isInline: " + attachment.isInline;

// Link to full sample:

const attachments = Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments;


Gets an object that provides methods for manipulating the body of an item.

body: Body;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// This example gets the body of the item as plain text.
    { asyncContext: "This is passed to the callback" },
    (result) => {
        // Do something with the result.

// The following is an example of the result parameter passed to the callback function.
    "value": "TEXT of whole body (including message threads that appear below the current body)",
    "status": "succeeded",
    "asyncContext": "This is passed to the callback"


Gets an object that provides methods for managing the item's categories.

categories: Categories;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.categories.getAsync(function(asyncResult) {
  if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    const categories = asyncResult.value;
    if (categories && categories.length > 0) {
      console.log("Categories assigned to this item:");
    } else {
      console.log("There are no categories assigned to this item.");
  } else {


// Note: In order for you to successfully add a category,
// it must be in the mailbox categories master list.

Office.context.mailbox.masterCategories.getAsync(function(asyncResult) {
  if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    const masterCategories = asyncResult.value;
    if (masterCategories && masterCategories.length > 0) {
      // Grab the first category from the master list.
      const categoryToAdd = [masterCategories[0].displayName];
      Office.context.mailbox.item.categories.addAsync(categoryToAdd, function(asyncResult) {
        if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
          console.log(`Successfully assigned category '${categoryToAdd}' to item.`);
        } else {
          console.log("categories.addAsync call failed with error: " + asyncResult.error.message);
    } else {
      console.log("There are no categories in the master list on this mailbox. You can add categories using Office.context.mailbox.masterCategories.addAsync.");
  } else {


Office.context.mailbox.item.categories.getAsync(function(asyncResult) {
  if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    const categories = asyncResult.value;
    if (categories && categories.length > 0) {
      // Grab the first category assigned to this item.
      const categoryToRemove = [categories[0].displayName];
      Office.context.mailbox.item.categories.removeAsync(categoryToRemove, function(asyncResult) {
        if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
          console.log(`Successfully unassigned category '${categoryToRemove}' from this item.`);
        } else {
          console.log("categories.removeAsync call failed with error: " + asyncResult.error.message);
    } else {
      console.log("There are no categories assigned to this item.");
  } else {


Gets the date and time that an item was created.

dateTimeCreated: Date;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Creation date and time: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.dateTimeCreated}`);


Gets the date and time that an item was last modified.

dateTimeModified: Date;

Property Value



[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Important: This property isn't supported in Outlook on Android or on iOS. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Date and time item last modified: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.dateTimeModified}`);


Gets the date and time that the appointment is to end.

The end property is a Date object expressed as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time value. You can use the convertToLocalClientTime method to convert the end property value to the client's local date and time.

When you use the Time.setAsync method to set the end time, you should use the convertToUtcClientTime method to convert the local time on the client to UTC for the server.

end: Date;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Appointment ends: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.end}`);


Gets the locations of an appointment.

The enhancedLocation property returns an EnhancedLocation object that allows you to get the set of locations (each represented by a LocationDetails object) associated with the appointment.

enhancedLocation: EnhancedLocation;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.enhancedLocation.getAsync((result) => {
  if (result.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    console.error(`Failed to get locations. Error message: ${result.error.message}`);
  const places = result.value;
  if (places && places.length > 0) {
    result.value.forEach(function(place) {
      console.log(`Location: ${place.displayName} (type: ${place.locationIdentifier.type})`);
      if (place.locationIdentifier.type === Office.MailboxEnums.LocationType.Room) {
        console.log("Email address: " + place.emailAddress);
  } else {
    console.log("There are no locations.");


Gets the Exchange Web Services item class of the selected appointment.

Returns IPM.Appointment for non-recurring appointments and IPM.Appointment.Occurrence for recurring appointments.

itemClass: string;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Important: You can create custom classes that extend a default item class. For example, IPM.Appointment.Contoso.


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Item class: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.itemClass}`);


Gets the Exchange Web Services item identifier for the current item.

The itemId property is not available in compose mode. If an item identifier is required, the saveAsync method can be used to save the item to the store, which will return the item identifier in the asyncResult.value parameter in the callback function.

Note: The identifier returned by the itemId property is the same as the Exchange Web Services item identifier. The itemId property is not identical to the Outlook Entry ID or the ID used by the Outlook REST API. Before making REST API calls using this value, it should be converted using Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId. For more details, see Use the Outlook REST APIs from an Outlook add-in.

itemId: string;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// The following code checks for the presence of an item
// identifier. If the `itemId` property returns `null` or
// `undefined`, it saves the item to the store and gets the
// item identifier from the asynchronous result.
// **Important**: `saveAsync` was introduced with requirement set 1.3
// so you can't get the `itemId` in Compose mode in earlier sets.
let itemId = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId;
if (itemId === null || itemId == undefined) {
    Office.context.mailbox.item.saveAsync(function(result) {
        itemId = result.value;


Gets the type of item that an instance represents.

The itemType property returns one of the ItemType enumeration values, indicating whether the item object instance is a message or an appointment.

itemType: MailboxEnums.ItemType | string;

Property Value


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const itemType = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemType;
switch (itemType) {
    case Office.MailboxEnums.ItemType.Appointment:
        console.log(`Current item is an ${itemType}.`);
    case Office.MailboxEnums.ItemType.Message:
        console.log(`Current item is a ${itemType}. A message could be an email, meeting request, meeting response, or meeting cancellation.`);


Gets the location of an appointment.

The location property returns a string that contains the location of the appointment.

location: string;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


const location = Office.context.mailbox.item.location;
console.log("location: " + location);
// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Appointment location: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.location}`);


Gets the subject of an item, with all prefixes removed (including RE: and FWD:).

The normalizedSubject property gets the subject of the item, with any standard prefixes (such as RE: and FW:) that are added by email programs. To get the subject of the item with the prefixes intact, use the subject property.

normalizedSubject: string;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Normalized subject: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.normalizedSubject}`);


Gets the notification messages for an item.

notificationMessages: NotificationMessages;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.3 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

// Adds a progress indicator to the mail item.
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString();
const details =
    type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.ProgressIndicator,
    message: "Progress indicator with id = " + id
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.addAsync(id, details, handleResult);


// Adds an informational notification to the mail item.
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString();
const details =
    type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.InformationalMessage,
    message: "Non-persistent informational notification message with id = " + id,
    icon: "icon1",
    persistent: false
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.addAsync(id, details, handleResult);


// Adds a persistent information notification to the mail item.
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString();
const details =
    type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.InformationalMessage,
    message: "Persistent informational notification message with id = " + id,
    icon: "icon1",
    persistent: true
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.addAsync(id, details, handleResult);


// Gets all the notification messages and their keys for the current mail item.
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.getAllAsync((asyncResult) => {
  if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {



// Replaces a notification message of a given key with another message.
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString();
    type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.InformationalMessage,
    message: "Notification message with id = " + id + " has been replaced with an informational message.",
    icon: "icon2",
    persistent: false


// Removes a notification message from the current mail item.
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString();
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.removeAsync(id, handleResult);


Provides access to the optional attendees of an event. The type of object and level of access depend on the mode of the current item.

The optionalAttendees property returns an array that contains an EmailAddressDetails object for each optional attendee to the meeting. The maximum number of attendees returned varies per Outlook client.

  • Windows: 500 attendees

  • Android, classic Mac UI, iOS: 100 attendees

  • New Mac UI, web browser: No limit

optionalAttendees: EmailAddressDetails[];

Property Value


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const apptOptionalAttendees = Office.context.mailbox.item.optionalAttendees;
console.log("Optional attendees:");
for (let i = 0; i < apptOptionalAttendees.length; i++) {
    apptOptionalAttendees[i].displayName +
      " (" +
      apptOptionalAttendees[i].emailAddress +
      ") - response: " +


Gets the meeting organizer's email properties.

organizer: EmailAddressDetails;

Property Value


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const apptOrganizer = Office.context.mailbox.item.organizer;
console.log("Organizer: " + apptOrganizer.displayName + " (" + apptOrganizer.emailAddress + ")");


Gets the recurrence pattern of an appointment. Gets the recurrence pattern of a meeting request.

The recurrence property returns a Recurrence object for recurring appointments or meetings requests if an item is a series or an instance in a series. null is returned for single appointments and meeting requests of single appointments.

Note: Meeting requests have an itemClass value of IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request.

Note: If the recurrence object is null, this indicates that the object is a single appointment or a meeting request of a single appointment and NOT a part of a series.

recurrence: Recurrence;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const recurrence = Office.context.mailbox.item.recurrence;

if (recurrence === undefined) {
  console.log("This item is a message but not a meeting request.");
} else if (recurrence === null) {
  console.log("This is a single appointment.");
} else {


Provides access to the required attendees of an event. The type of object and level of access depend on the mode of the current item.

The requiredAttendees property returns an array that contains an EmailAddressDetails object for each required attendee to the meeting. The maximum number of attendees returned varies per Outlook client.

  • Windows: 500 attendees

  • Android, classic Mac UI, iOS: 100 attendees

  • New Mac UI, web browser: No limit

requiredAttendees: EmailAddressDetails[];

Property Value


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const apptRequiredAttendees = Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees;
console.log("Required attendees:");
for (let i = 0; i < apptRequiredAttendees.length; i++) {
    apptRequiredAttendees[i].displayName +
      " (" +
      apptRequiredAttendees[i].emailAddress +
      ") - response: " +


Provides the sensitivity value of the appointment.

sensitivity: MailboxEnums.AppointmentSensitivityType;

Property Value


[ API set: Mailbox 1.14 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Important: Outlook on the web, new Outlook on Windows, and Outlook on Mac only support Normal and Private sensitivity levels.


const sensitivity = Office.context.mailbox.item.sensitivity;
console.log("Sensitivity: " + sensitivity);


Gets the ID of the series that an instance belongs to.

In Outlook on the web, on Windows (new and classic), and on Mac, the seriesId returns the Exchange Web Services (EWS) ID of the parent (series) item that this item belongs to. However, on iOS and Android, the seriesId returns the REST ID of the parent item.

Note: The identifier returned by the seriesId property is the same as the Exchange Web Services item identifier. The seriesId property is not identical to the Outlook IDs used by the Outlook REST API. Before making REST API calls using this value, it should be converted using Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId. For more details, see Use the Outlook REST APIs from an Outlook add-in.

The seriesId property returns null for items that do not have parent items such as single appointments, series items, or meeting requests and returns undefined for any other items that are not meeting requests.

seriesId: string;

Property Value



[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

const seriesId = Office.context.mailbox.item.seriesId;

if (seriesId === undefined) {
  console.log("This is a message that's not a meeting request.");
} else if (seriesId === null) {
  console.log("This is a single appointment, a parent series, or a meeting request for a series or single meeting.");
} else {
  console.log("This is an instance belonging to series with ID " + seriesId);


Gets the date and time that the appointment is to begin.

The start property is a Date object expressed as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time value. You can use the convertToLocalClientTime method to convert the value to the client's local date and time.

start: Date;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Appointment starts: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.start}`);


Gets the description that appears in the subject field of an item.

The subject property gets or sets the entire subject of the item, as sent by the email server.

The subject property returns a string. Use the normalizedSubject property to get the subject minus any leading prefixes such as RE: and FW:.

subject: string;

Property Value



Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

console.log(`Subject: ${Office.context.mailbox.item.subject}`);

Method Details

addHandlerAsync(eventType, handler, options, callback)

Adds an event handler for a supported event. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

addHandlerAsync(eventType: Office.EventType | string, handler: any, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



Office.EventType | string

The event that should invoke the handler.



The function to handle the event. The function must accept a single parameter, which is an object literal. The type property on the parameter will match the eventType parameter passed to addHandlerAsync.


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


function myHandlerFunction(eventarg) {
    if (eventarg.attachmentStatus === Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentStatus.Added) {
        const attachment = eventarg.attachmentDetails;
        console.log("Event Fired and Attachment Added!");
        getAttachmentContentAsync(, options, callback);

Office.context.mailbox.item.addHandlerAsync(Office.EventType.AttachmentsChanged, myHandlerFunction, myCallback);

addHandlerAsync(eventType, handler, callback)

Adds an event handler for a supported event. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

addHandlerAsync(eventType: Office.EventType | string, handler: any, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



Office.EventType | string

The event that should invoke the handler.



The function to handle the event. The function must accept a single parameter, which is an object literal. The type property on the parameter will match the eventType parameter passed to addHandlerAsync.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

displayReplyAllForm(formData: string | ReplyFormData): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • In Outlook on the web, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

  • If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyForm throws an exception.

  • When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

  • This method isn't supported in Outlook on Android or on iOS. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.


// The following code passes a string to the `displayReplyAllForm` method.
Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyAllForm('hello there');
Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyAllForm('<b>hello there</b>');

// Reply with an empty body.

// Reply with just a body.
'htmlBody' : 'hi'

// Reply with a body and a file attachment.
    'htmlBody' : 'hi',
    'attachments' :
        'type' : Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType.File,
        'name' : 'squirrel.png',
        'url' : ''

// Reply with a body and an item attachment.
    'htmlBody' : 'hi',
    'attachments' :
        'type' : 'item',
        'name' : 'rand',
        'itemId' : Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId

// Reply with a body, file attachment, item attachment, and a callback.
    'htmlBody' : 'hi',
    'attachments' :
            'type' : Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType.File,
            'name' : 'squirrel.png',
            'url' : ''
            'type' : 'item',
            'name' : 'rand',
            'itemId' : Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId
    'callback' : function(asyncResult)
// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyAllForm("This is a reply ALL with <b>some bold text</b>.");

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData, options, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyAllFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData: string | ReplyFormData, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.9 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyAllFormAsync("This is a reply ALL with <b>some bold text</b>.", function(
) {

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes either the sender and all recipients of the selected message or the organizer and all attendees of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyAllFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyAllFormAsync(formData: string | ReplyFormData, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.9 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

displayReplyForm(formData: string | ReplyFormData): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

  • If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyForm throws an exception.

  • When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

  • This method isn't supported in Outlook on Android or on iOS. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyForm("This is a reply with <i>some text in italics</i>.");


  htmlBody: "This is a reply with an inline image and an item attachment.<br><img src='cid:dog.jpg'>",
  attachments: [
    { type: "file", url: "", name: "dog.jpg", inLine: true },
    { type: "item", itemId: Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId, name: "test_email.msg" }
  callback: (result) => {
    if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
      console.error(`Action failed with message ${result.error.message}`);

    console.log("Created reply with attachments.");

displayReplyFormAsync(formData, options, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyFormAsync(formData: string | ReplyFormData, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.9 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.displayReplyFormAsync("This is a reply with <i>some text in italics</i>.", function(
) {


// The async version is only available starting with requirement set 1.9.
// It provides a callback when the new appointment form has been created.
    htmlBody: "This is a reply with an inline image and an item attachment.<br><img src='cid:dog.jpg'>",
    attachments: [
      { type: "file", url: "", name: "dog.jpg", inLine: true },
      { type: "item", itemId: Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId, name: "test_email.msg" }
  (asyncResult) => {

displayReplyFormAsync(formData, callback)

Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message or the organizer of the selected appointment.

In Outlook on the web and new Outlook on Windows, the reply form is displayed as a pop-out form in the 3-column view and a pop-up form in the 2-column or 1-column view.

If any of the string parameters exceed their limits, displayReplyFormAsync throws an exception.

When attachments are specified in the formData.attachments parameter, Outlook attempts to download all attachments and attach them to the reply form. If any attachments fail to be added, an error is shown in the form UI. If this isn't possible, then no error message is thrown.

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.

displayReplyFormAsync(formData: string | ReplyFormData, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



string | Office.ReplyFormData

A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB OR a ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.9 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId, options, callback)

Gets an attachment from a message or appointment and returns it as an AttachmentContent object.

The getAttachmentContentAsync method gets the attachment with the specified identifier from the item. As a best practice, you should get the attachment's identifier from an item.attachments call, then in the same session, use that identifier to retrieve the attachment. In Outlook on the web, on mobile devices, and in new Outlook on Windows, the attachment identifier is valid only within the same session. A session is over when the user closes the app, or if the user starts composing an inline form then subsequently pops out the form to continue in a separate window.

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId: string, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<AttachmentContent>) => void): void;




The identifier of the attachment you want to get.


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Office.AttachmentContent>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object. If the call fails, the asyncResult.error property will contain an error code with the reason for the failure.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • AttachmentTypeNotSupported: The attachment type isn't supported. Unsupported types include embedded images in Rich Text Format, or item attachment types other than email or calendar items (such as a contact or task item).

  • InvalidAttachmentId: The attachment identifier does not exist.


// Link to full sample:

// Gets the attachments of the current message or appointment in read mode.
// The item.attachments call can only be used in read mode.
const attachments = item.attachments;
if (attachments.length <= 0) {
  console.log("Mail item has no attachments.");

for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) {
  // Log the attachment type and its contents to the console.
  item.getAttachmentContentAsync(attachments[i].id, handleAttachmentsCallback);

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId, callback)

Gets an attachment from a message or appointment and returns it as an AttachmentContent object.

The getAttachmentContentAsync method gets the attachment with the specified identifier from the item. As a best practice, you should get the attachment's identifier from an item.attachments call, then in the same session, use that identifier to retrieve the attachment. In Outlook on the web, on mobile devices, and in new Outlook on Windows, the attachment identifier is valid only within the same session. A session is over when the user closes the app, or if the user starts composing an inline form then subsequently pops out the form to continue in a separate window.

getAttachmentContentAsync(attachmentId: string, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<AttachmentContent>) => void): void;




The identifier of the attachment you want to get.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Office.AttachmentContent>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object. If the call fails, the asyncResult.error property will contain an error code with the reason for the failure.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • AttachmentTypeNotSupported: The attachment type isn't supported. Unsupported types include embedded images in Rich Text Format, or item attachment types other than email or calendar items (such as a contact or task item).

  • InvalidAttachmentId: The attachment identifier does not exist.



This API is now deprecated.

Use regular expression rules instead.

Gets the entities found in the selected item's body.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

getEntities(): Entities;



[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee



This API is now deprecated.

Use regular expression rules instead.

Gets an array of all the entities of the specified entity type found in the selected item's body.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

getEntitiesByType(entityType: MailboxEnums.EntityType | string): Array<string | Contact | MeetingSuggestion | PhoneNumber | TaskSuggestion>;



Office.MailboxEnums.EntityType | string

One of the EntityType enumeration values.


If the value passed in entityType is not a valid member of the EntityType enumeration, the method returns null. If no entities of the specified type are present in the item's body, the method returns an empty array. Otherwise, the type of the objects in the returned array depends on the type of entity requested in the entityType parameter.


[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: restricted

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee



This API is now deprecated.

Use regular expression rules instead.

Returns well-known entities in the selected item that pass the named filter defined in an add-in only manifest file.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

getFilteredEntitiesByName(name: string): Array<string | Contact | MeetingSuggestion | PhoneNumber | TaskSuggestion>;




The name of the ItemHasKnownEntity rule element that defines the filter to match.


The entities that match the regular expression defined in the ItemHasKnownEntity rule element in the add-in manifest file with the specified FilterName element value. If there's no ItemHasKnownEntity element in the manifest with a FilterName element value that matches the name parameter, the method returns null. If the name parameter matches an ItemHasKnownEntity element in the manifest, but there are no entities in the current item that match, the method returns an empty array.


[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

getInitializationContextAsync(options, callback)

Gets initialization data passed when the add-in is activated by an actionable message.

getInitializationContextAsync(options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<string>) => void): void;



An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<string>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. On success, the initialization context data is provided as a string (or an empty string if there's no initialization context) in the asyncResult.value property.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Get the initialization context (if present).
Office.context.mailbox.item.getInitializationContextAsync((asyncResult) => {
    if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
        if (asyncResult.value.length > 0) {
            // The value is a string, parse to an object.
            const context = JSON.parse(asyncResult.value);
            // Do something with context.
        } else {
            // Empty context, treat as no context.
    } else {
        // Handle the error.


Gets initialization data passed when the add-in is activated by an actionable message.

getInitializationContextAsync(callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<string>) => void): void;



(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<string>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult. On success, the initialization context data is provided as a string (or an empty string if there's no initialization context) in the asyncResult.value property.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


Returns string values in the selected item that match the regular expressions defined in an add-in only manifest file.

getRegExMatches(): any;



An object that contains arrays of strings that match the regular expressions defined in the add-in manifest file. The name of each array is equal to the corresponding value of the RegExName attribute of the matching ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule. For an ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule, a matching string has to occur in the property of the item that's specified by that rule. The PropertyName simple type defines the supported properties.


[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

  • This method is used with the activation rules feature for Outlook add-ins, which isn't supported by the unified manifest for Microsoft 365.

  • If you specify an ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule on the body property of an item, the regular expression should further filter the body and shouldn't attempt to return the entire body of the item. Using a regular expression such as .* to obtain the entire body of an item doesn't always return the expected results. Instead, use the Body.getAsync method to retrieve the entire body.

  • This method isn't supported in Outlook on Android or on iOS. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.


// Consider an add-in manifest has the following `Rule` element:
//<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="And">
//  <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" FormType="Read" ItemType="Message" />
//  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="fruits" RegExValue="apple|banana|coconut" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="veggies" RegExValue="tomato|onion|spinach|broccoli" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//  </Rule>

// The object returned from `getRegExMatches` would have two properties: `fruits` and `veggies`.
//'fruits': ['apple','banana','Banana','coconut'],
//'veggies': ['tomato','onion','spinach','broccoli']

// The following example shows how to access the array of
// matches for the regular expression rule elements `fruits`
// and `veggies`, which are specified in the manifest.
const allMatches = Office.context.mailbox.item.getRegExMatches();
const fruits = allMatches.fruits;
const veggies = allMatches.veggies;
// Link to full sample:

// This API only works when you click on the highlighted word "ScriptLab".


Returns string values in the selected item that match the named regular expression defined in an add-in only manifest file.

getRegExMatchesByName(name: string): string[];




The name of the ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule element that defines the filter to match.



An array that contains the strings that match the regular expression defined in the ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule element in the add-in manifest file, with the specified RegExName element value.


[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

  • This method is used with the activation rules feature for Outlook add-ins, which isn't supported by the unified manifest for Microsoft 365.

  • If you specify an ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule on the body property of an item, the regular expression should further filter the body and shouldn't attempt to return the entire body of the item. Using a regular expression such as .* to obtain the entire body of an item doesn't always return the expected results. Instead, use the Body.getAsync method to retrieve the entire body.

  • This method isn't supported in Outlook on Android or on iOS. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.


// Consider an add-in manifest has the following `Rule` element:
//<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="And">
//  <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" FormType="Read" ItemType="Message" />
//  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="fruits" RegExValue="apple|banana|coconut" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="veggies" RegExValue="tomato|onion|spinach|broccoli" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//  </Rule>

// The object returned from `getRegExMatches` would have two properties: `fruits` and `veggies`.
//'fruits': ['apple','banana','Banana','coconut'],
//'veggies': ['tomato','onion','spinach','broccoli']

const fruits = Office.context.mailbox.item.getRegExMatchesByName("fruits");
const veggies = Office.context.mailbox.item.getRegExMatchesByName("veggies");
// Link to full sample:

// This API only works when you click on the highlighted word "ScriptLab".



This API is now deprecated.

Use regular expression rules instead.

Gets the entities found in a highlighted match a user has selected. Highlighted matches apply to contextual add-ins.

Warning: Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

getSelectedEntities(): Entities;



[ API set: Mailbox 1.6 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


Returns string values in a highlighted match that match the regular expressions defined in an add-in only manifest file. Highlighted matches apply to contextual add-ins.

getSelectedRegExMatches(): any;



An object that contains arrays of strings that match the regular expressions defined in the add-in manifest file. The name of each array is equal to the corresponding value of the RegExName attribute of the matching ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule. For an ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule, a matching string has to occur in the property of the item that's specified by that rule. The PropertyName simple type defines the supported properties.


[ API set: Mailbox 1.6 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


  • Entity-based contextual Outlook add-ins are now retired. However, regular expression rules are still supported. We recommend updating your contextual add-in to use regular expression rules as an alternative solution. For guidance on how to implement these rules, see Contextual Outlook add-ins.

  • This method is used with the activation rules feature for Outlook add-ins, which isn't supported by the unified manifest for Microsoft 365.

  • This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or Android. For more information on supported APIs in Outlook mobile, see Outlook JavaScript APIs supported in Outlook on mobile devices.

  • If you specify an ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch rule on the body property of an item, the regular expression should further filter the body and shouldn't attempt to return the entire body of the item. Using a regular expression such as .* to obtain the entire body of an item doesn't always return the expected results. Instead, use the Body.getAsync method to retrieve the entire body.


// Consider an add-in manifest has the following `Rule` element:
//<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="And">
//  <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" FormType="Read" ItemType="Message" />
//  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="fruits" RegExValue="apple|banana|coconut" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//    <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" RegExName="veggies" RegExValue="tomato|onion|spinach|broccoli" PropertyName="BodyAsPlaintext" IgnoreCase="true" />
//  </Rule>

// The object returned from `getRegExMatches` would have two properties: `fruits` and `veggies`.
//'fruits': ['apple','banana','Banana','coconut'],
//'veggies': ['tomato','onion','spinach','broccoli']

// The following example shows how to access the array of matches for the
// regular expression rule elements `fruits` and `veggies`, which are
// specified in the manifest.
const selectedMatches = Office.context.mailbox.item.getSelectedRegExMatches();
const fruits = selectedMatches.fruits;
const veggies = selectedMatches.veggies;
// Link to full sample:

const matches = Office.context.mailbox.item.getSelectedRegExMatches();
if (matches) {
} else {
    console.error("Open add-in by clicking on a highlighted regex match, for this API to return something useful.");

getSharedPropertiesAsync(options, callback)

Gets the properties of an appointment or message in a shared folder or shared mailbox.

For more information around using this API, see Enable shared folders and shared mailbox scenarios in an Outlook add-in.

getSharedPropertiesAsync(options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<SharedProperties>) => void): void;



An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Office.SharedProperties>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object. The asyncResult.value property provides the properties of the shared item.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 for shared folder support, Mailbox 1.13 for shared mailbox support ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.


Gets the properties of an appointment or message in a shared folder or shared mailbox.

For more information around using this API, see Enable shared folders and shared mailbox scenarios in an Outlook add-in.

getSharedPropertiesAsync(callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<SharedProperties>) => void): void;



(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Office.SharedProperties>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object. The asyncResult.value property provides the properties of the shared item.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.8 for shared folder support, Mailbox 1.13 for shared mailbox support ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

Note: This method isn't supported in Outlook on iOS or on Android.


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.getSharedPropertiesAsync((result) => {
  if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
    console.error("The current folder or mailbox isn't shared.");
  const sharedProperties = result.value;
  console.log(`Owner: ${sharedProperties.owner}`);
  console.log(`Permissions: ${sharedProperties.delegatePermissions}`);
  console.log(`Target mailbox: ${sharedProperties.targetMailbox}`);

loadCustomPropertiesAsync(callback, userContext)

Asynchronously loads custom properties for this add-in on the selected item.

Custom properties are stored as key-value pairs on a per-app, per-item basis. This method returns a CustomProperties object in the callback, which provides methods to access the custom properties specific to the current item and the current add-in. Custom properties aren't encrypted on the item, so this shouldn't be used as secure storage.

The custom properties are provided as a CustomProperties object in the asyncResult.value property. This object can be used to get, set, save, and remove custom properties from the mail item.

loadCustomPropertiesAsync(callback: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<CustomProperties>) => void, userContext?: any): void;



(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<Office.CustomProperties>) => void

When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter of type Office.AsyncResult.



Optional. Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function. This object can be accessed by the asyncResult.asyncContext property in the callback function.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.1 ]

To learn more about custom properties, see Get and set add-in metadata for an Outlook add-in.

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee


// Link to full sample:

Office.context.mailbox.item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync((result) => {
  if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
    console.error(`loadCustomPropertiesAsync failed with message ${result.error.message}`);

  customProps = result.value;
  console.log("Loaded the CustomProperties object.");

removeHandlerAsync(eventType, options, callback)

Removes the event handlers for a supported event type. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

removeHandlerAsync(eventType: Office.EventType | string, options: Office.AsyncContextOptions, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



Office.EventType | string

The event that should revoke the handler.


An object literal that contains one or more of the following properties:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee

removeHandlerAsync(eventType, callback)

Removes the event handlers for a supported event type. Note: Events are only available with task pane implementation.

For supported events, refer to the Item object model events section.

removeHandlerAsync(eventType: Office.EventType | string, callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void): void;



Office.EventType | string

The event that should revoke the handler.


(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<void>) => void

Optional. When the method completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.




[ API set: Mailbox 1.7 ]

Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Appointment Attendee