Word.CompareTarget enum

Specifies the target document for displaying document comparison differences.


[ API set: WordApiDesktop 1.1 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/50-document/compare-documents.yaml

// Compares the current document with a specified external document.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  // Absolute path of an online or local document.
  const filePath = $("#filePath")
  // Options that configure the compare operation.
  const options: Word.DocumentCompareOptions = {
    compareTarget: Word.CompareTarget.compareTargetCurrent,
    detectFormatChanges: false
    // Other options you choose...
  context.document.compare(filePath, options);

  await context.sync();

  console.log("Differences shown in the current document.");


compareTargetCurrent = "CompareTargetCurrent"

Places comparison differences in the current document.

compareTargetNew = "CompareTargetNew"

Places comparison differences in a new document.

compareTargetSelected = "CompareTargetSelected"

Places comparison differences in the target document.