Word.EventType enum

Provides information about the type of a raised event.


[ API set: WordApi 1.5 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/10-content-controls/content-control-ondeleted-event.yaml

async function contentControlDeleted(event: Word.ContentControlDeletedEventArgs) {
  await Word.run(async (context) => {
    console.log(`${event.eventType} event detected. IDs of content controls that were deleted:`, event.ids);


annotationClicked = "AnnotationClicked"

Represents that an annotation was clicked (or selected with Alt+Down) in the document.

annotationHovered = "AnnotationHovered"

Represents that an annotation was hovered over in the document.

annotationInserted = "AnnotationInserted"

Represents that one or more annotations were added in the document.

annotationPopupAction = "AnnotationPopupAction"

Represents an action in the annotation pop-up.

annotationRemoved = "AnnotationRemoved"

Represents that one or more annotations were deleted from the document.

contentControlAdded = "ContentControlAdded"

ContentControlAdded represents the event a content control has been added to the document.

contentControlDataChanged = "ContentControlDataChanged"

ContentControlDataChanged represents the event that the data in the content control have been changed.

contentControlDeleted = "ContentControlDeleted"

ContentControlDeleted represents the event that the content control has been deleted.

contentControlEntered = "ContentControlEntered"

Represents that a content control has been entered.

contentControlExited = "ContentControlExited"

Represents that a content control has been exited.

contentControlSelectionChanged = "ContentControlSelectionChanged"

ContentControlSelectionChanged represents the event that the selection in the content control has been changed.

paragraphAdded = "ParagraphAdded"

Represents that one or more new paragraphs were added.

paragraphChanged = "ParagraphChanged"

Represents that one or more paragraphs were changed.

paragraphDeleted = "ParagraphDeleted"

Represents that one or more paragraphs were deleted.