MPI_Comm_create function

Extracts a subset a group of processes for the purpose of separate Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) computation in a separate communicator.


int MPIAPI MPI_Comm_create(
        MPI_Comm  comm,
        MPI_Group group,
  _Out_ MPI_Comm  *newcomm


  • comm
    The source communicator.

  • group
    The group that defines the requested subset of the processes in the source communicator.

  • newcomm [out]
    On return, contains a handle to a new communicator.

Return value

Returns MPI_SUCCESS on success. Otherwise, the return value is an error code.

In Fortran, the return value is stored in the IERROR parameter.




The communicator that this function creates can be further subdivided into parallel subcomputations by using the MPI_Comm_create function or other communicator constructors. The MPI_Comm_split function is a more general function to create MPI_Comm objects.

If the comm parameter references an intracommunicator, this function returns a new communicator with a communication group as defined by the group parameter. No cached information propagates from the source communicator to the new communicator. Each process must call with a group parameter that is a subgroup of the group that is associated with the source communicator. A possible value is MPI_GROUP_EMPTY. The processes can specify different values for the group parameter. If a process calls with a non-empty group, then all processes in that group must call the function with the same values for the group parameter, that is, the same members in the same order. Otherwise, the function returns an error. This result implies that the set of groups that are specified across the processes must be disjoint. If the calling process is a member of the group that is specified in the group parameter, then the newcomm parameter represents a communicator with the specified group as its associated group. If a process specifies a group to which it does not belong, for example, MPI_GROUP_EMPTY, then the newcomm parameter returns MPI_COMM_NULL.

The interface supports the original mechanism from MPI-1.1, which required the same group in all processes of comm. It was extended in MPI-2.2 to enable the use of disjoint subgroups to enable implementations to eliminate unnecessary communication that the MPI_Comm_split function would incur when the user already knows the membership of the disjoint subgroups.

The MPI_Comm_create function is collective and must be called by all processes in the group of the source communicator. The requirement that the entire group participate in the call comes from the following issues:

  • It allows the implementation to layer the MPI_Comm_create function on top of regular collective communications.
  • It provides additional safety, in particular in the case where partially overlapping groups are used to create new communicators.
  • It permits implementations to avoid some of the communication that is related to context creation.

If the comm parameter references an intercommunicator, then the created communicator is also an intercommunicator where the local group consists only of those processes that are specified in the group parameter. Specify only those processes in the local group of the input intercommunicator that are to be a part of the new communicator in the group parameter. All processes in the same local group of the communicator must specify the same value for the group parameter, that is, the same members in the same order. If either group does not specify at least one process in the local group of the intercommunicator, or if the calling process is not included in the group, an error is returned.



HPC Pack 2012 MS-MPI Redistributable Package, HPC Pack 2008 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package, HPC Pack 2008 MS-MPI Redistributable Package or HPC Pack 2008 Client Utilities


Mpi.h; Mpif.h





See also

MPI Communicator Functions
