Configuring Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) for Organization Specific Updates

Using Custom channel and ManifestServer to control updates

Microsoft recognizes there are certain scenarios where an organization needs strict control over which version of Microsoft applications can be installed.

An organization can take total control of Microsoft Application updates by utilizing the Custom channel facility provided by MAU. Selecting Custom ChannelName preferences disables MAU from looking at standard public release locations and directs MAU to look for updates from an organization-specific location, specified by the ManifestServer preference setting.

The following steps describe how to manage an organization-specific ManifestServer:

  • Create a local HTTPS network server to host Microsoft application update manifests.
  • Download Microsoft application update manifests from the preferred public Microsoft Content Delivery Network (CDN) endpoints to the local server. For more information, see ManifestServer preferences setting.
    • Root URLs for public Microsoft CDN endpoints (referred to as ChannelURL):

      Channel URL
      CurrentThrottle Only contains Outlook manifests:
    • Construct URLs for each file to download by using: <<ChannelURL>>/0409<<AppID>><<extension>>, where the extension is:

      • .xml
      • -chk.xml
      • .cat
      • -history.xml

      For a list of supported AppIDs, see Application identifiers

    • Download "Versioned Manifest" files:

      • Examine download -history.xml file to retrieve published versions for the application.
      • Determine the versioned manifest file name using: 0409<<AppID>>_<<version>><<extension>>, where the extension is:
        • .xml
        • .cat

Create and populate the ManifestServer location. Then, set the ChannelName preference to Custom and the ManifestServer preference to the ManifestServer URL location on each managed device. Add these preferences to the deployed managed profile.

You can also use the following terminal commands to achieve the same goal on a single device:

defaults write ChannelName -string Custom
defaults write ManifestServer -string <<URL to local network server>>


  1. ChannelName and ManifestServer preference settings can be used in conjunction with per-app settings.
  2. Setting ChannelName to Custom without setting ManifestServer has the same effect as setting ChannelName to Current.
  3. Also, the ManifestServer setting, when ChannelName is not set to Custom, will be ignored.


By providing the ManifestServer preference setting, the organization is taking full responsibility for maintaining the ManifestServer location with the most up-to-date version of the applications the organization needs to be updated. Failure to maintain the contents of the ManifestServer location will result in MAU not discovering needed updates, resulting in no updates.

Using UpdateCache to reduce Network Traffic

An enterprise IT admin can use a local network to retrieve update packages instead of the Microsoft CDN on the internet. This approach is beneficial for enterprises with limited internet bandwidth, whether due to throughput limitations or cost concerns.

To populate the local UpdateCache:

  • Create a local HTTPS network server to host Microsoft application update packages.
  • Download each installed Microsoft application's XML manifest file (*.xml). For more information, see ManifestServer.
  • Find each "https*.pkg" entry in the downloaded XML manifest files (* is a wildcard). Download these package files to the local network server for the previously created UpdateCache.
  • Set the UpdateCache preference to the local network server:
    defaults write UpdateCache <<URL to local network server>>

MAU starts downloading updates from this location instead of URL locations specified in the xml manifest files. If the update packages aren't found in the UpdateCache location, then the update attempt fails and MAU reports "download failure."


This can be used in conjunction with per-app settings.

Configuring individual Application updates (Per-App setting)

MAU supports configuring updates for individual applications. When set, this configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.

  • ChannelName When set to a different value than the global value, MAU looks for updates to the application on this per-app channel instead.
  • ManifestServer Should be set if ChannelName for the application is set to Custom. MAU looks for updates for the application using manifests downloaded from this location.
  • UpdateCache This is used to host updater packages to reduce network costs. While you should specify UpdateCache globally, you can also set it for individual apps.


            <key>Application ID</key>
            <string><<URL Location for manifest server>></string>
            <string><<URL Location for update cache server>></string>