Build a declarative agent for Microsoft 365 Copilot


Declarative agents for Microsoft 365 are currently in a generally available phase. However, access will be staged and might not be available to all users immediately. Full availability is expected at a later date.


What is a declarative agent?

Screenshot shows the answer from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

For an overview on declarative agents, see Declarative agents for Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Ensuring a secure implementation of Declarative Agents in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 customers and partners can build declarative agents that extend Microsoft 365 Copilot with custom instructions, grounding knowledge, and actions invoked via REST API descriptions configured by the declarative agent. At runtime, Microsoft 365 Copilot reasons over a combination of the user’s prompt, custom instructions that are part of the declarative agent, and data which was provided by custom actions. All of this data might influence the behavior of the system, and such processing comes with security risks, specifically that if a custom action can provide data from untrusted sources (such as emails or support tickets), an attacker might be able to craft a message payload which causes your agent to behave in a way they control – incorrectly answering questions or even invoking custom actions. While Microsoft takes many measures to prevent such attacks, organizations should only enable declarative agents that use trusted knowledge sources and connect to trusted REST APIs via custom actions. If the use of untrusted data sources is necessary, design the declarative agent around the possibility of breach and don't give it the ability to perform sensitive operations without careful human intervention.

Microsoft 365 provides organizations with extensive controls governing who can acquire and use integrated apps and the specific apps enabled for groups or individuals within a Microsoft 365 tenant, including those apps that include declarative agents. Tools like Copilot Studio, which enable users to create their own declarative agents, also include extensive controls that allow admins to govern connectors used for both knowledge and custom actions.


Before you get started, ensure that you're familiar with the following standards and guidelines for declarative agents for Microsoft 365 Copilot:

Create a declarative agent

Let's create a declarative agent where you can provide instructions, grounding in Microsoft 365 data, and integration with existing APIs via plugins.

Before you get started, ensure that you install the following tools to build and deploy your declarative agent:

Environment variables


This step is temporary until declarative agents are available publicly.

Set the environment variable TEAMSFX_DECLARATIVE_COPILOT and KIOTA_CONFIG_PREVIEW to true.

Open a PowerShell terminal and run the following commands.

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TEAMSFX_DECLARATIVE_COPILOT", 'true', "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("KIOTA_CONFIG_PREVIEW", "true", "User")
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")


Close and reopen your terminal to ensure all changes are taken into account.

Install Teams Toolkit CLI

Run the following command in your Command Prompt or in a PowerShell terminal.

npm install -g @microsoft/teamsapp-cli
teamsapp -h

For more details see Install Teams Toolkit CLI.

Install Teams Toolkit Visual Studio Code extension

Follow the steps in Install Teams Toolkit Visual Studio Code extension to install the pre-release version.

Install Kiota

If you have the .NET SDK installed, you can install Kiota as a .NET tool.

To install the tool, execute the following command in your Command Prompt or in a PowerShell terminal.

dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.OpenApi.Kiota

For more details see Install Kiota.

To create a declarative agent using Teams Toolkit, follow these steps:

  • Open Visual Studio Code.

  • Select Teams Toolkit > Create a New App.

    Screenshot shows the Create New Project button in the Teams Toolkit sidebar.

  • Select Copilot Extensions.

    Screenshot shows the App Capability to select.

  • Select Declarative copilot.

    Screenshot shows the type of Copilot agent to select.

  • Select No plugin to create a basic declarative agent.

    Screenshot shows the type of declarative agent to select.

  • Select Default folder to store your project root folder in the default location.

    Screenshot shows the folder to select.

  • Choose your Application name.

    Screenshot shows the name of the application to create.

  • You application is now scaffolded and available for publishing.

    Screenshot shows the fully scaffolded application.

  • To publish your application, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • Navigate to the Copilot application with the URL

    Screenshot shows the initial screen from Microsoft 365 Copilot.

  • Next to the New Chat button, select the conversation drawer icon.

  • Select the declarative agent Teams toolkit declarative copilot

    Screenshot shows the landing screen for the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

  • Enter a question for your declarative agent and ensure that it replies with "Thanks for using Teams Toolkit to create your declarative copilot!"

    Screenshot shows the answer from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Add conversation starters

To add conversation starters to your declarative agent, follow these steps:

  • Stay within the opened project in Visual Studio Code.
  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and add the conversation_starters array with the following content:

        "conversation_starters": [
                "title": "Getting Started",
                "text": "How can I get started with Teams Toolkit?"
                "title": "Getting Help",
                "text": "How can I get help with Teams Toolkit?"
  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The updated conversation starters will be available in your declarative agent after you refresh the page.

    Screenshot shows the conversations starters from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Add web content

To add web content using Bing to your agent, follow these steps:

  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and add the capabilities array with the following content:

        "capabilities": [
                "name": "WebSearch"
  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The declarative agent will have access to web content to generate its answers after you reload the page.

    Screenshot shows the web content from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Add OneDrive and SharePoint knowledge

To add OneDrive and SharePoint knowledge to your declarative agent, follow these steps:

  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and add to the capabilities array the following content:

        "capabilities": [
                "name": "WebSearch"
                "name": "OneDriveAndSharePoint",
                "items_by_url": [
                        "url": ""


    • Replace with your SharePoint site URL.
    • URLs should be full path to SharePoint items (site, document library, folder, or file). You can use the "Copy direct link" option in SharePoint to get the full path or files and folders. To achieve this, right-click on the file or folder and select Details. Navigate to Path and click on the copy icon.
    • Not specifying the items_by_url array will default to the entire corpus of OneDrive and SharePoint content available to the logged in user.
  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The declarative agent will have access to OneDrive and SharePoint content to generate its answers after you reload the page.

    Screenshot shows the OneDrive and SharePoint content from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Add Graph Connectors knowledge

To add Graph Connectors knowledge to your declarative agent, follow these steps:

  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and add to the capabilities array the following content:

        "capabilities": [
                "name": "WebSearch"
                "name": "OneDriveAndSharePoint",
                "items_by_url": [
                        "url": ""
                "name": "GraphConnectors",
                "connections": [
                        "connection_id": "foodstore"


    • Replace foodstore with your Graph Connectors connection ID.
    • Foodsie is a Graph Connectors sample available here.
    • Not specifying the connections array will default to the entire corpus of Graph Connectors content available to the logged in user.
  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The declarative agent will have access to GraphConnectors content to generate its answers after you reload the page.

    Screenshot shows Graph Connectors content from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365.

Add a plugin

To add a plugin to your declarative agent, follow these steps:

  • Go to Command Prompt.

  • Navigate to your project folder. In this case, our project folder is called ttk-declarative-copilot. Replace this with the name of your folder.

    cd ttk-declarative-copilot
  • Execute the following command:

    kiota plugin add --openapi --plugin-name "RepairsHub" --type apiplugin --output appPackage

    You'll see the following result.

    warn: Kiota.Builder.KiotaBuilder[0]
          OpenAPI warning: #/paths/~1repairs/get/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/items/properties/image - The format uri is not supported by Kiota and the string type will be used.
    warn: Kiota.Builder.KiotaBuilder[0]
          OpenAPI warning: #/paths/~1repairs/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/image - The format uri is not supported by Kiota and the string type will be used.
    warn: Kiota.Builder.KiotaBuilder[0]
          OpenAPI warning: #/paths/~1repairs/patch/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/image - The format uri is not supported by Kiota and the string type will be used.
    Generation completed successfully
    Client base url set to
    Hint: use the --include-path and --exclude-path options with glob patterns to filter the paths generated.
    Example: kiota plugin add --include-path "**/foo" -a "~/src/demos/ttk-declarative-copilot/.kiota/apimanifest.json#RepairsHub"


    Replace the OpenAPI description URL to a local or hosted description to use your own API

  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and add the actions array:

        "actions": [
                "id": "repairsPlugin",
                "file": "repairshub-apiplugin.json"
  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The declarative agent will have access to your plugin content to generate its answers after you reload the page.

    Screenshot shows the plugin content from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Improve the instructions of your declarative agent

To improve the instructions of your declarative agent, follow these steps:

  • Open the appPackage/declarativeCopilot.json file and edit the instructions value:

        "instructions": "You are a declarative copilot and were created with Team Toolkit. You are an expert at creating poems. Every time a user asks a question, you **must** turn the answer into a poem. The poem **must** not use the quote markdown and use regular text."


    • The instructions value is on a single line. Use \\n to add a new line.

    Screenshot shows an updates answer based on the instructions from the declarative agent in Microsoft 365 Copilot.

  • Using Teams Toolkit, select Publish.

    Screenshot shows the Publish menu.

  • The declarative agent will have access to your updated instructions after you reload the page.