High availability federated authentication Phase 5: Configure federated authentication for Microsoft 365

In this final phase of deploying high availability federated authentication for Microsoft 365 in Azure infrastructure services, you get and install a certificate issued by a public certification authority, verify your configuration, and then install and run Microsoft Entra Connect on the directory synchronization server. Microsoft Entra Connect configures your Microsoft 365 subscription and your Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and web application proxy servers for federated authentication.

See Deploy high availability federated authentication for Microsoft 365 in Azure for all of the phases.

Get a public certificate and copy it to the directory synchronization server

Get a digital certificate from a public certification authority with the following properties:

  • An X.509 certificate suitable for creating SSL connections.

  • The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extended property is set to your federation service FQDN (example: fs.contoso.com).

  • The certificate must have the private key and be stored in PFX format.

Additionally, your organization computers and devices must trust the public certification authority that is issuing the digital certificate. This trust is established by having a root certificate from the public certification authority installed in the trusted root certification authorities store on your computers and devices. Computers running Microsoft Windows typically have a set of these types of certificates installed from commonly used certification authorities. If the root certificate from your public certification authority isn't already installed, you must deploy this to the computers and devices of your organization.

For more information about certificate requirements for federated authentication, see Prerequisites for federation installation and configuration.

When you receive the certificate, copy it to a folder on the C: drive of the directory synchronization server. For example, name the file SSL.pfx and store it in the C:\Certs folder on the directory synchronization server.

Verify your configuration

You should now be ready to configure Microsoft Entra Connect and federated authentication for Microsoft 365. To ensure that you are, here's a checklist:

  • Your organization's public domain is added to your Microsoft 365 subscription.

  • Your organization's Microsoft 365 user accounts are configured to your organization's public domain name and can successfully sign in.

  • You have determined a federation service FQDN based your public domain name.

  • A public DNS A record for your federation service FQDN points to the public IP address of the Internet-facing Azure load balancer for the web application proxy servers.

  • A private DNS A record for your federation service FQDN points to the private IP address of the internal Azure load balancer for the AD FS servers.

  • A public certification authority-issued digital certificate suitable for SSL connections with the SAN set to your federation service FQDN is a PFX file stored on your directory synchronization server.

  • The root certificate for the public certification authority is installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on your computers and devices.

Here's an example for the Contoso organization:

An example configuration for a high availability federated authentication infrastructure in Azure

An example configuration of the high availability Microsoft 365 federated authentication infrastructure in Azure.

Run Microsoft Entra Connect to configure federated authentication

The Microsoft Entra Connect tool configures the AD FS servers, the web application proxy servers, and Microsoft 365 for federated authentication with these steps:

  1. Create a remote desktop connection to your directory synchronization server with a domain account that has local administrator privileges.

  2. From the desktop of the directory synchronization server, open Internet Explorer and go to https://aka.ms/Azure AD Connect.

  3. On the Microsoft Entra Connect page, click Download, and then click Run.

  4. On the Welcome to Microsoft Entra Connect page, click I agree, and then click Continue.

  5. On the Express Settings page, click Customize.

  6. On the Install required components page, click Install.

  7. On the User sign-in page, click Federation with AD FS, and then click Next.

  8. On the Connect to Microsoft Entra ID page, type the name and password of a Microsoft Entra DC admin account for your Microsoft 365 subscription, and then click Next.

  9. On the Connect your directories page, ensure that your on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest is selected in Forest, type the name and password of a domain administrator account, click Add Directory, and then click Next.

  10. On the Microsoft Entra sign-in configuration page, click Next.

  11. On the Domain and OU filtering page, click Next.

  12. On the Uniquely identifying your users page, click Next.

  13. On the Filter users and devices page, click Next.

  14. On the Optional features page, click Next.

  15. On the AD FS farm page, click Configure a new AD FS farm.

  16. Click Browse and specify the location and name of the SSL certificate from the public certification authority.

  17. When prompted, type the certificate password, and then click OK.

  18. Verify that the Subject Name and Federation Service Name are set to your federation service FQDN, and then click Next.

  19. On the AD FS servers page, type your first AD FS server's name (Table M - Item 4 - Virtual machine name column), and then click Add.

  20. Type your second AD FS server's name (Table M - Item 5 - Virtual machine name column), click Add, and then click Next.

  21. On the Web Application Proxy servers page, type your first web application proxy server's name (Table M - Item 6 - Virtual machine name column), and then click Add.

  22. Type your second web application proxy server's name (Table M - Item 7 - Virtual machine name column), click Add, and then click Next.

  23. On the Domain Administrator credentials page, type the user name and password of a domain administrator account, and then click Next.

  24. On the AD FS service account page, type the user name and password of an enterprise administrator account, and then click Next.

  25. On the Microsoft Entra Domain page, in Domain, select your organization's DNS domain name, and then click Next.

  26. On the Ready to configure page, click Install.

  27. On the Installation complete page, click Verify. You should see two messages indicating that both the intranet and Internet configuration was successfully verified.

  • The intranet message should list the private IP address of your Azure internal load balancer for your AD FS servers.

  • The Internet message should list the public IP address of your Azure Internet-facing load balancer for your web application proxy servers.

  1. On the Installation complete page, click Exit.

Here's the final configuration, with placeholder names for the servers.

Phase 5: The final configuration of a high availability federated authentication infrastructure in Azure

The final configuration of the high availability Microsoft 365 federated authentication infrastructure in Azure.

Your high availability federated authentication infrastructure for Microsoft 365 in Azure is complete.

See Also

Deploy high availability federated authentication for Microsoft 365 in Azure

Federated identity for your Microsoft 365 dev/test environment

Microsoft 365 solution and architecture center

Federated identity for Microsoft 365