Use uploaded documents in Copilot for Service

You can upload your own documents for Copilot for Service to use to generate answers with generative AI. When a user asks a question and Copilot doesn't have a defined topic to use, it generates the best answer from the documents you uploaded in a conversational style.

Uploaded documents are stored securely in Dataverse. The number of documents that can be uploaded is only limited by the available file storage for your Dataverse environment.

Image, audio, video, and executable files aren't supported. See Supported document types for a full list.

Uploading a document


Contents of the files you upload are available to all users. Uploaded file content is available to anyone chatting with Copilot, regardless of file permissions or access controls.

To upload a document for generating answers:

  1. With Copilot open, select Content Sources from the menu.

  2. Under Upload a document, drag and drop files and folders into the box or select click to browse to upload.

  3. Select Save at the top of the AI capabilities page.

Once uploaded, the document can take a few minutes for its contents to be ready for use by Copilot.

Uploaded documents create new copies and don't overwrite existing documents, even if they have the same name.


Uploading documents with the same name can result in duplicate files. Therefore, add a version number to the file name before uploading it to distinguish it from the previous version.

The uploaded document becomes part of the copilot's solution. Any exported or imported copilot solution includes the documents.

Download or delete a document

To download or delete an uploaded document, find and select the download or delete icon near the document name.

Supported document types

The following file types are supported:

  • Word documents (doc, docx)
  • Excel spreadsheets (xls, xlsx)
  • PowerPoint documents (ppt, pptx)
  • PDF documents (pdf)
  • Text documents (txt, md, log)
  • HTML files (html, htm)
  • CSV files (csv)
  • XML files (xml)
  • OpenDocument files (odt, ods, odp)
  • EPUB documents (epub)
  • Rich Text Format documents (rtf)
  • Apple iWork documents (pages, key, numbers)
  • JSON files (json)
  • YAML files (yml, yaml)
  • LaTeX files (tex)

Certain file types, such as images, video, executable files, and audio, can't be used as an uploaded document.