How to enable reporting on the App-V client by using Windows PowerShell

Applies to:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Use the following procedure to configure the App-V for reporting.

To configure the computer running the App-V client for reporting

  1. Enable the App-V client. For more information, see Enable the App-V desktop client.

  2. After you have enabled the App-V client, use the Set-AppvClientConfiguration cmdlet to configure appropriate Reporting Configuration settings:

Setting Description
ReportingEnabled Enables the client to return information to a reporting server. This setting is required for the client to collect the reporting data on the client.
ReportingServerURL Specifies the location on the reporting server where client information is saved. For example, https://<reportingservername>:<reportingportnumber>.
This is the port number that was assigned during the Reporting Server setup
Reporting Start Time This is set to schedule the client to automatically send the data to the server. This setting will indicate the hour at which the reporting data will start to send. It is in the 24 hour format and will take a number between 0-23.
ReportingRandomDelay Specifies the maximum delay (in minutes) for data to be sent to the reporting server. When the scheduled task is started, the client generates a random delay between 0 and ReportingRandomDelay and will wait the specified duration before sending data.
ReportingInterval Specifies the retry interval that the client will use to resend data to the reporting server.
ReportingDataCacheLimit Specifies the maximum size in megabytes (MB) of the XML cache for storing reporting information. The size applies to the cache in memory. When the limit is reached, the log file will roll over.
ReportingDataBlockSize Specifies the maximum size in megabytes (MB) of the XML cache for storing reporting information. The size applies to the cache in memory. When the limit is reached, the log file will roll over.
  1. After the appropriate settings have been configured, the computer running the App-V client will automatically collect data and will send the data back to the reporting server.

    Additionally, administrators can manually send the data back in an on-demand manner using the Send-AppvClientReport cmdlet.

Administering App-V by Using Windows PowerShell