interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalSaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEventArgs


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.


This an experimental API that is shipped with our prerelease SDK. See WebView2 release notes.

interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalSaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEventArgs
  : public IUnknown

The event args for SaveFileSecurityCheckStarting event.


Members Descriptions
get_CancelSave Gets the CancelSave property.
get_DocumentOriginUri Get the document origin URI of this file save operation.
get_FileExtension Get the extension of file to be saved.
get_FilePath Get the full path of file to be saved.
get_SuppressDefaultPolicy Gets the SuppressDefaultPolicy property.
GetDeferral Returns an ICoreWebView2Deferral object.
put_CancelSave Set if cancel the upcoming save/download.
put_SuppressDefaultPolicy Set if the default policy checking and security warning will be suppressed.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.2646



Gets the CancelSave property.

public HRESULT get_CancelSave(BOOL * value)


Get the document origin URI of this file save operation.

public HRESULT get_DocumentOriginUri(LPWSTR * value)

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


Get the extension of file to be saved.

public HRESULT get_FileExtension(LPWSTR * value)

The file extension is the extension portion of the FilePath, preserving original case.

Only final extension with period "." will be provided. For example, "*.tar.gz" is a double extension, where the ".gz" will be its final extension.

File extension can be empty, if the file name has no extension at all.

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


Get the full path of file to be saved.

public HRESULT get_FilePath(LPWSTR * value)

This includes the file name and extension.

This method doesn't provide path validation, the returned string may longer than MAX_PATH.

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


Gets the SuppressDefaultPolicy property.

public HRESULT get_SuppressDefaultPolicy(BOOL * value)


Returns an ICoreWebView2Deferral object.

public HRESULT GetDeferral(ICoreWebView2Deferral ** value)

Use this operation to complete the SaveFileSecurityCheckStartingEvent.

The default policy checking and any default UI will be blocked temporarily, saving file to local won't start, until the deferral is completed.


Set if cancel the upcoming save/download.

public HRESULT put_CancelSave(BOOL value)

TRUE means the action will be cancelled before validations in default policy.

The default value is FALSE.


Set if the default policy checking and security warning will be suppressed.

public HRESULT put_SuppressDefaultPolicy(BOOL value)

TRUE means it will be suppressed.

The default value is FALSE.