Get request

Gets one or more specified Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) Certificate Management (CM) requests.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
GET /CertificateManagement/api/v1.0/requests/{id}

URL parameters

Property Description
id Optional. The GUID of a request to retrieve.

Query parameters

Property Description
targetuser Optional. The target user of the request. If no target is specified, all requests, regardless of the target user are returned.

Note: Only the value "current" is currently supported.
status Optional. Indicates the status of the request to retrieve. The possible status types are "Approved," "Canceled," "Completed," "Denied," "Executing," "Failed," "None," and "Pending."
If no status is specified, all requests, regardless of status are returned.

Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Request body



This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
204 No content
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Error

Response headers

For common response headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Response body

On success, returns one or more Request objects with the following properties:

Name Description
Comment The comment that is associated with the MIM CM request.
Completed The time that the MIM CM request was completed.
DataCollection The data collection items that are associated with the MIM CM request.
DataCollectionFlags The options for data collection for the MIM CM request.
Flags The options that are associated with the MIM CM request.
IsDataCollectionComplete A Boolean value that indicates if the data collection has been completed for the MIM CM request.
IsEnrollmentAgent A Boolean value that indicates if an enrollment agent is required to run the MIM CM request.
IsSmartcard A Boolean value that indicates if the MIM CM request is a smart card request or a software profile request.
NewProfileUuid The identity of the new software profile that is produced by the MIM CM request.
NewSmartcardUuid The identity of the new smart card that is assigned by the MIM CM request.
OldProfileUuid The identity of the software profile for which the MIM CM request was created.
OldSmartcardUuid The identity of the smart card for which the MIM CM request was created.
OriginatorUserUuid The identity of the user who originated the MIM CM request.
Priority The MIM CM request's priority.
ProfileTemplateUuid The identity of the profile template for which the MIM CM request was created.
RequestType The type of the MIM CM request.
SecurityDescriptor The security descriptor for the MIM CM request.
Status The status of the MIM CM request.
Submitted The time that the MIM CM request was submitted.
TargetUserUuid The identity of the target user for the MIM CM request.
Uuid The identifier for the MIM CM request.


This section provides an example to get the specified MIM CM requests.

Example: Request 1

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/requests/a9b4b42c-cc50-4c9b-89d1-bbc0bcd5a099 HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK



Example: Request 2

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/requests/0c96d73f-967b-420e-854a-43ad2a1504bc HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

            "Name":"Sample Data Item",

See also