
Gets an interface that enumerates free/busy blocks of data for a user within a specified time range.

Quick info

See IFreeBusyData.

HRESULT EnumBlocks( 
     IEnumFBBlock **ppenumfb
     FILETIME ftmStart, 
     FILETIME ftmEnd 



[out] An interface to enumerate free/busy blocks.


[in] The start time for the enumeration. It is expressed in [FILETIME](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ 4af8e79a-697e-44a1-8576-fdc57726e9ef.aspx).


[in] The end time for the enumeration. It is expressed in FILETIME.

Return values

S_OK if the call succeeded; otherwise, an error code.


This method is used to indicate the time range of calendar items for which to retrieve details. The values of ftmStart and ftmEnd are cached and returned in a subsequent call of IFreeBusyData::GetFBPublishRange.

A free/busy provider can also subsequently use the returned IEnumFBBlock interface to access the enumeration.

See also