Frame.PictureSizeMode Property (Outlook Forms Script)

Returns or sets an Integer that specifies how to display the background picture on a Frame. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a Frame object.


The settings for PictureSizeMode are:

Value Description
0 Crops any part of the picture that is larger than the form or page (default).
1 Stretches the picture to fill the form or page. This setting distorts the picture in either the horizontal or vertical direction.
3 Enlarges the picture, but does not distort the picture in either the horizontal or vertical direction.

The 1 and 3 settings both enlarge the image, but 1 causes distortion. The 1 setting enlarges the image horizontally and vertically until the image reaches the corresponding edges of the container or control. The 3 setting enlarges the image until it reaches either the horizontal or vertical edges of the container or control. If the image reaches the horizontal edges first, any remaining distance to the vertical edges remains blank. If it reaches the vertical edges first, any remaining distance to the horizontal edges remains blank.

Setting the PictureSizeMode property to 2 overrides PictureAlignment. When PictureSizeMode is set to 2, the picture fills the entire control or container.

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