Set the Width of the Drop-Down List of a Combo Box

The following example uses a SpinButton to control the width of the drop-down list of a ComboBox. The user changes the value of the SpinButton, then clicks on the drop-down arrow of the ComboBox to display the list.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Script Editor of a form. To run the code you need to open the form so the Open event will activate. Make sure that the form contains:

  • A ComboBox named ComboBox1.

  • A SpinButton named SpinButton1 that is bound to a custom number field named SpinButtonValue.

  • A Label named Label1.

Sub Item_Open() 
 Set ComboBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("ComboBox1") 
 Set SpinButton1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("SpinButton1") 
 Set Label1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("Label1") 
 For i = 1 To 20 
 ComboBox1.AddItem "Choice " & (ComboBox1.ListCount + 1) 
 SpinButton1.Min = 0 
 SpinButton1.Max = 130 
 'convert listwidth value from '122 pt' to an integer 
 intpos = instr(combobox1.listwidth," ") 
 intwidth = left(combobox1.listwidth,intpos-1) 
 SpinButton1.Value = intwidth 
 SpinButton1.SmallChange = 5 
 Label1.Caption = "ListWidth = " & SpinButton1.Value 
End Sub 
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(byval pname) 
 If pname = "SpinButtonValue" Then 
 Set ComboBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("ComboBox1") 
 Set SpinButton1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("SpinButton1") 
 Set Label1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("Label1") 
 ComboBox1.ListWidth = SpinButton1.Value 
 Label1.Caption = "ListWidth = " & SpinButton1.Value 
 End If 
End Sub

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