The CERTTRANSDBATTRIBUTE structure is encoded within a CERTTRANSBLOB structure. The CERTTRANSDBATTRIBUTE structure is used by the server to return attribute information that is associated with a request to the client (upon the client's query via invocation of the EnumAttributesOrExtensions method of the ICertAdminD interface).

   ULONG obwszName;
   ULONG obwszValue;

obwszName: An integer that contains the offset from the beginning of the byte array buffer that is pointed to by the pb member in the containing CERTTRANSBLOB structure to where the string that contains the name of this attribute can be found. The format is a null-terminated UNICODE string. The offset MUST be divisible by 4.

obwszValue: An integer that contains the offset from the beginning of the byte array buffer that is pointed to by the pb member in the containing CERTTRANSBLOB structure to where the string that contains the value of this attribute can be found. The format is a null-terminated UNICODE string. The offset MUST be divisible by 4.