2.3.1 Clipping Record Types
The Clipping Record types specify clipping regions and operations. The following are EMF+ clipping record types:
Name |
Section |
Description |
EmfPlusOffsetClip |
Applies a translation transform on the current clipping region for the world space. |
EmfPlusResetClip |
Resets the current clipping region for the world space to infinity. |
EmfPlusSetClipPath |
Combines the current clipping region with a graphics path. |
EmfPlusSetClipRect |
Combines the current clipping region with a rectangle. |
EmfPlusSetClipRegion |
Combines the current clipping region with another graphics region. |
The generic structure of EMF+ clipping records is specified as follows:
1 |
2 |
3 |
Type |
Flags |
Size |
DataSize |
RecordData (variable) |
... |
Type (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that identifies the record type. The clipping record types are listed below. See the table above for descriptions of these records.
Flags (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that contains information for some records on how the operation is to be performed and on the structure of the record.
Size (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that defines the 32-bit–aligned size of the entire record in bytes, including the 12-byte record header and the record-specific data.
DataSize (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that defines the 32-bit–aligned number of bytes of data in the RecordData field that follows. This number does not include the 12-byte record header.
RecordData (variable): An optional, variable-length array of bytes that, if present, defines the data specific to individual records. For specifications of the additional information, if any, contained within this field, see individual record definitions.