Mapping Remote Method Invocation

The message content of a Remote Method call MUST be encoded as a SOAP Envelope as specified in [SOAP1.1] section 4:

  • The encodingStyle attribute SHOULD be written as part of the SOAP Envelope element with a value of http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/.

  • The Call Context of a Remote Method call MUST be encoded as specified in Call Context SOAP Header (section

  • The implementation MAY add implementation-defined SOAP header elements (children of the soap:Header element) to the SOAP request in order to transmit implementation-specific information to the server. Any implementation-defined SOAP header elements SHOULD use the namepace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/clr/soap/messageProperties".<38>

  • If a Method Signature is present then it MUST be mapped as a SOAP header element as specified in Method Signature SOAP Header (section with additional constraint that the order of the qualified names MUST match the parameter order.

  • The qualified name of the method struct MUST be derived as specified in Method Name Encoding (section

  • The Input Arguments MUST be mapped as specified in [SOAP1.1] section 7.1.

  • Each Data Value in the Arguments MUST be encoded by using the SOAP encoding style. The specification for SOAP encoding is specified in [SOAP1.1] section 5.