Sample: Solution staging with asynchronous import

This sample shows how to perform the following actions with solutions:

  • Stage a solution and check the validation results
  • Import the staged solution using an asynchronous job and check for job completion

How to run this sample

  1. Download or clone the Samples repo so that you have a local copy.
  2. (Optional) Edit the dataverse/App.config file to define a connection string specifying the Microsoft Dataverse instance you want to connect to.
  3. Open the sample solution in Visual Studio and press F5 to run the sample. After you specify a connection string in dataverse/App.config, any sample you run will use that connection information.

If you do not specify a connection string in dataverse/App.config file, a dialog will open each time you run the sample and you will need to enter information about which Dataverse instance you want to connect to and which credentials you want to use. This dialog will cache previous connections so that you can choose a previously used connection.

Those samples in this repo that require a connection to a Dataverse instance to run will include a linked reference to the dataverse/App.config file.

Be sure to edit the App.config file and set the Username, Password, and Url values for your test environment.

What this sample does

This sample shows how to stage (load) a solution in a Microsoft Dataverse environment and check the solution validation results. This enables you to check for a valid solution staging prior to solution import. Next, the sample performs an asynchronous import of the staged solution. An asynchronous job allows for importing large solutions and avoiding a timeout error.

How this sample works

In order to simulate the scenario described in What this sample does, the sample will do the following:


  1. Invokes the SampleHelpers.Connect method to authenticate the user and return a web service reference.


  1. The StageSolution method reads the compressed solution file and stages the solution.
  2. The ImportSolution method imports the solution using an asynchronous job.
  3. The CheckImportStatus method waits for the asynchronous job to complete and checks the job for a successful status.

Clean up

The program does not automatically delete the imported solution. You should manually delete the solution named "Contoso sample" from your test environment.