Try community solutions and tools

This article provides information on community solutions and tools available for fusion teams to use. Although the underlying features and components used to build these are fully supported, the solutions and tools shared below are sample implementations. Our customers and community can use and customize these to implement in their organizations.


  • If you encounter issues using the solutions and tools, report issues at
  • Microsoft Support won't help with issues related to community solutions and tools. For issues with core features in Microsoft Power Platform, use standard channel to contact Microsoft Support.


A tool to anonymize data in Dataverse tables after a production org is copied over to a sandbox instance. This is specially useful when you need to anonymize for privacy reasons before developers use the sandbox instance.

More information: Data Anonymization Tools

Just-in-Time access

A lightweight and extensible solution for requesting elevated access on a production Dynamics 365 environment using a Canvas app.

More information: Building a JIT app for elevated permissions on Microsoft Power Platform

Pull request checker

An ADO build pipeline tool to automate routine and common checks for Dynamics 365 solutions to improve solution ALM and deployments to higher environments.

More information: Focus Center PR checker