FAQ for Process Mining's Microsoft 365 personal recommendations

The Microsoft 365 personal recommendations found on the Power Automate home page accelerate your journey to adopting automation and transforming your personal processes.

What is Process Mining’s Microsoft 365 personal recommendations?

The Microsoft 365 recommendations are created from your own graph data—specifically, job role, sent emails, calendar invites, and files. The system understands from your use of Microsoft 365 tools opportunities for automation by using natural language to flow. The system surfaces these recommendations as natural language text that surfaces within natural language to flow for flow creation.

What can Process Mining’s Microsoft 365 personal recommendations do?

The system is a recommendation engine that creates suggestions for automations. You can select these recommendations to create a cloud flow through cloud flow's natural language to flow capabilities.

What is the system’s intended use?

The system’s intended use is to help you accelerate your adoption of cloud flows and automate your personal processes.

How was Process Mining’s Microsoft 365 personal recommendations evaluated? What metrics are used to measure performance?

We have a robust set of metrics we track to measure the performance of the model and resulting customer experience. We track the telemetry of recommendations selected and success of cloud flow creation.

What are the limitations of the system? How can I minimize the impact of the limitations when using the system?

Microsoft 365 recommendations can only create recommendations from Microsoft 365 usage in the preceding seven days. It can't create recommendations without sufficient usage of Microsoft 365 products like emails, Teams usage, or calendar invites. You can always choose to not engage with the surfaced recommendations.

What operational factors and settings allow for effective and responsible use of Process Mining’s Microsoft 365 personal recommendations?

Microsoft 365 recommendations are currently only surfaced to new users of the Power Automate home page to get them started on their automation journey.

See also

Overview of process mining