Work with cloud flows using code

All flows are stored in Dataverse and you can use either the Dataverse SDK for .NET or Web API to manage them.

This article covers the management of flows included on the Solutions tab in Power Automate. Currently, managing flows under My Flows aren't supported with code.

Interact with Dataverse APIs

Dataverse provides equivalent capabilities using either the Dataverse SDK for .NET or Web API.

Which method should I use?

The best method depends on the project technology and the skills you have.

If your project uses .NET, we recommend using the SDK. The SDK simplifies your development experience by providing a typed object model and methods to authenticate.

More information: Use the Organization service

How to connect?

How to connect depends on whether you're using the Dataverse SDK for .NET or Web API.

With the SDK, you need to connect with a client application to get access to an IOrganizationService instance. IOrganizationService is an interface that provides methods you can use to interact with Dataverse.

More information:

Workflow table

Cloud flows are stored in the Process (Workflow) table that is represented in the Web API as the workflow EntityType

The following table describes important columns in the workflow table:

Logical Name Type Description
category Choice The category of the flow. Here are the different categories.
0 - Classic Dataverse workflows.
1 - Classic Dataverse dialogs.
2 - Business rules.
3 - Classic Dataverse actions.
4 - Business process flows.
5 - Modern Flow (Automated, instant or scheduled flows).
6 - Desktop flows.
clientdata String A string-encoded JSON of the flow definition and its connectionReferences.
createdby Lookup The user who created the flow.
createdon DateTime The date when the flow was created.
description String The user-provided description of the flow.
ismanaged Bool Indicates if the flow was installed via a managed solution.
modifiedby Lookup The last user who updated the flow.
modifiedon DateTime The last time the flow was updated.
name String The display name that you gave the flow.
ownerid Lookup The user or team who owns the flow.
statecode Choice The status of the flow. The status can be:
0 - Draft (Off)
1 - Activated (On)
2 - Suspended.
type Choice Indicates if the flow is a running flow, or a template that can be used to create more flows.
1 - Definition,
2 - Activation
3 - Template.
workflowid Guid The unique identifier for a cloud flow across all imports.
workflowidunique Guid The unique identifier for this installation of the flow.


With Web API, Lookup values are single-valued navigation properties that can be expanded to get details from the related record.

Lookup columns also have corresponding GUID lookup properties that can be used in queries. Lookup properties have this naming convention: _<logical name>_value. For the workflow entitytype in Web API you can reference these lookup properties: _createdby_value, _modifiedby_value, and _ownerid_value.

List flows

To retrieve a list of cloud flows, you can query the workflow table. The following query returns the first automated, instant, or scheduled flow that is currently 'on':

This static OutputFirstActiveFlow method requires an authenticated client that implements the IOrganizationService. It uses the IOrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple method.

/// <summary>
/// Outputs the first active flow
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
public static void OutputFirstActiveFlow(IOrganizationService service)
   var query = new QueryExpression("workflow")
         ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("category",
         Criteria = new FilterExpression(LogicalOperator.And)
            Conditions = {
            {  new ConditionExpression(
                     5) }, // Cloud Flow
            {  new ConditionExpression(
                     1) } // Active
         TopCount = 1 // Limit to one record

   EntityCollection workflows = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

   Entity workflow = workflows.Entities.FirstOrDefault();

   Console.WriteLine($"category: {workflow.FormattedValues["category"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"createdby: {workflow.FormattedValues["createdby"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"createdon: {workflow.FormattedValues["createdon"]}");
   // Description may be null
   Console.WriteLine($"description: {workflow.GetAttributeValue<string>("description")}");
   Console.WriteLine($"ismanaged: {workflow.FormattedValues["ismanaged"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"modifiedby: {workflow.FormattedValues["modifiedby"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"modifiedon: {workflow.FormattedValues["modifiedon"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"name: {workflow["name"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"ownerid: {workflow.FormattedValues["ownerid"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"statecode: {workflow.FormattedValues["statecode"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"type: {workflow.FormattedValues["type"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"workflowid: {workflow["workflowid"]}");
   Console.WriteLine($"workflowidunique: {workflow["workflowidunique"]}");

To retrieve more records, remove the TopCount limit.


category: Modern Flow
createdby: SYSTEM
createdon: 5/20/2020 9:37 PM
ismanaged: Unmanaged
modifiedby: Kiana Anderson
modifiedon: 5/6/2023 3:37 AM
name: When an account is updated -> Create a new record
ownerid: Monica Thomson
statecode: Activated
type: Definition
workflowid: d9e875bf-1c9b-ea11-a811-000d3a122b89
workflowidunique: c17af45c-10a1-43ca-b816-d9cc352718cf

More information:

Create a cloud flow

The required properties for automated, instant, and scheduled flows are: category, name, type, primaryentity, and clientdata. Use none for the primaryentity for these types of flows.

This static method requires an authenticated client that implements the IOrganizationService. It uses the IOrganizationService.Create method.

/// <summary>
/// Creates a cloud flow
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
/// <returns>The workflowid</returns>
public static Guid CreateCloudFlow(IOrganizationService service)
   var workflow = new Entity("workflow")
         Attributes = {
            {"category", new OptionSetValue(5) }, // Cloud flow
            {"name", "Sample flow name"},
            {"type", new OptionSetValue(1) }, //Definition
            {"description", "This flow reads some data from Dataverse." },
            {"primaryentity", "none" },
            {"clientdata", "{\"properties\":{\"connectionReferences\":{\"shared_commondataserviceforapps\":{\"impersonation\":{},\"runtimeSource\":\"embedded\",\"connection\":{\"name\":\"shared-commondataser-114efb88-a991-40c7-b75f-2693-b1ca6a0c\",\"connectionReferenceLogicalName\":\"crdcb_sharedcommondataserviceforapps_109ea\"},\"api\":{\"name\":\"shared_commondataserviceforapps\"}}},\"definition\":{\"$schema\":\"\",\"contentVersion\":\"\",\"parameters\":{\"$connections\":{\"defaultValue\":{},\"type\":\"Object\"},\"$authentication\":{\"defaultValue\":{},\"type\":\"SecureObject\"}},\"triggers\":{\"manual\":{\"metadata\":{\"operationMetadataId\":\"76f87a86-89b3-48b4-92a2-1b74539894a6\"},\"type\":\"Request\",\"kind\":\"Button\",\"inputs\":{\"schema\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{},\"required\":[]}}}},\"actions\":{\"List_rows\":{\"runAfter\":{},\"metadata\":{\"operationMetadataId\":\"9725b30f-4a8e-4695-b6fd-9a4985808809\"},\"type\":\"OpenApiConnection\",\"inputs\":{\"host\":{\"apiId\":\"/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_commondataserviceforapps\",\"connectionName\":\"shared_commondataserviceforapps\",\"operationId\":\"ListRecords\"},\"parameters\":{\"entityName\":\"accounts\",\"$select\":\"name\",\"$top\":1},\"authentication\":\"@parameters('$authentication')\"}}}}},\"schemaVersion\":\"\"}" }

   return service.Create(workflow);

More information: Create table rows using the Organization Service

The statecode of all flows created this way are set to 0 (Draft or 'Off'). The flow needs to be enabled before it can be used.

The most important property is the clientdata, which contains the connectionReferences that the flow uses, and the definition of the flow. The connectionReferences are the mappings to each connection that the flow uses.

  "properties": {
    "connectionReferences": {
      "shared_commondataserviceforapps": {
        "runtimeSource": "embedded",
        "connection": {},
        "api": { 
         "name": "shared_commondataserviceforapps" 
    "definition": {
      "$schema": "",
      "contentVersion": "",
      "parameters": {
        "$connections": { "defaultValue": {}, "type": "Object" },
        "$authentication": { "defaultValue": {}, "type": "SecureObject" }
      "triggers": {
        "manual": {
          "metadata": {},
          "type": "Request",
          "kind": "Button",
          "inputs": {
            "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": {}, "required": [] }
      "actions": {
        "List_rows": {
          "runAfter": {},
          "metadata": {},
          "type": "OpenApiConnection",
          "inputs": {
            "host": {
              "apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_commondataserviceforapps",
              "connectionName": "shared_commondataserviceforapps",
              "operationId": "ListRecords"
            "parameters": {
              "entityName": "accounts",
              "$select": "name",
              "$top": 1
            "authentication": "@parameters('$authentication')"
  "schemaVersion": ""

Update a cloud flow

To update a flow, set only the properties you want to change.

This static method requires an authenticated client that implements the IOrganizationService. It uses the IOrganizationService.Update method to update a flow description and set the owner.

/// <summary>
/// Updates a cloud flow
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
/// <param name="workflowid">The ID of the flow to update.</param>
/// <param name="systemuserid">The id of the user to assign the flow to.</param>
public static void UpdateCloudFlow(IOrganizationService service, Guid workflowid, Guid systemuserid) {

   var workflow = new Entity("workflow",workflowid)
         Attributes = {

            {"description", "This flow will ensure consistency across systems." },
            {"ownerid", new EntityReference("systemuser",systemuserid)},
            {"statecode", new OptionSetValue(1) } //Turn on the flow.


More information: Update and delete table rows using the Organization Service > Basic update

Delete a cloud flow

The following examples show how to delete the workflow record that represents a cloud flow.

The static DeleteCloudFlow method deletes a workflow record.

/// <summary>
/// Deletes a workflow
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
/// <param name="workflowId">The id of the cloud flow to delete.</param>
public static void DeleteCloudFlow(IOrganizationService service, Guid workflowId) { 

service.Delete(entityName:"workflow",id: workflowId);


More information: Delete a record using the SDK

Get all users with whom a cloud flow is shared

Use the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess message to get a list of all the users that a cloud flow is shared with.

With the SDK, use the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest Class, and with the Web API use the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Function.

More information: Get principals with access to a record

Share or unshare a cloud flow

Share a cloud flow like any other Dataverse record using the GrantAccess message. With the SDK, use the GrantAccessRequest Class and with the Web API use the GrantAccess Action. More information: GrantAccess example

If you want to change the access rights you grant when you share a record, use the ModifyAccess message. With the SDK, use the ModifyAccessRequest Class and with the Web API use the ModifyAccess Action. More information: ModifyAccess example

To unshare a record, use the RevokeAccess message. With the SDK, use the RevokeAccessRequest Class and with the Web API use the RevokeAccess Action. More information: Revoking access

Export flows

When a flow is part of a solution, you can export it by exporting the solution that contains the flow using the ExportSolution message.

The following static ExportSolution example method uses the ExportSolutionRequest to retrieve a byte[] containing the ZIP file of the unmanaged solution with the specified UniqueName.

/// <summary>
/// Exports an unmanaged solution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
/// <param name="solutionUniqueName">The uniquename of the solution.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static byte[] ExportSolution(
   IOrganizationService service, 
   string solutionUniqueName) 
   ExportSolutionRequest request = new() { 
         SolutionName = solutionUniqueName,
         Managed = false

   var response = (ExportSolutionResponse)service.Execute(request);

   return response.ExportSolutionFile;

Import flows

When you have a solution ZIP file, you can import it using the ImportSolution message.

When you import flows, you should set the following parameters:

Property name Description
OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations If there are existing instances of these flows in Dataverse, this flag needs to be set to true to import them. Otherwise they aren't overwritten.
PublishWorkflows Indicates if classic Dataverse workflows are activated on import. This setting doesn't apply to other types of flows.
CustomizationFile A base 64-encoded zip file that contains the solution.

The static ImportSolution sample method shows how to import a solution file using the ImportSolutionRequest Class

/// <summary>
/// Imports a solution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">Authenticated client implementing the IOrganizationService interface</param>
/// <param name="solutionFile">The byte[] data representing a solution file. </param>
public static void ImportSolution(
   IOrganizationService service, 
   byte[] solutionFile) {

   ImportSolutionRequest request = new() { 
         OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations = true,
         CustomizationFile = solutionFile



What about the API at

The API at isn't supported. Customers should instead use the Dataverse Web APIs for Power Automate documented previously in this article.

Alternatively, customers can use the management connectors: Power Automate Management or Power Automate for Admins.

Customers can use the unsupported APIs at at their own risk. These APIs are subject to change, so breaking changes could occur.

Entity class operations using the Organization service
Perform operations using the Web API
Sharing and assigning
Verifying access in code
Work with solutions using the Dataverse SDK