Power Pages activity logging (preview)

[This article is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]

Power Pages activities are tracked from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.

To view Power Pages activities in Microsoft Purview:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal as a tenant admin.

  2. Under Solutions, select Audit.

    A screenshot of the New Search options for Audit.

From the Audit screen, an administrator can filter for specific activities by selecting the Activities – friendly names dropdown and choosing from the available options.

To filter or search for Power Pages admin activities, select PowerPlatformAdministratorActivity as the value for Record types.

A screenshot of the New Search page with Record types emphasized. The value PowerPlatformAdministratorActivity is emphasized.

For more information about how to search audit logs in Microsoft Purview, see Search the audit log in Microsoft Purview.

What events are audited?

The following are some of the user events you can audit.

Activity Name Operation Name Description
Enable Power BI visualization PowerBIVisualizationEnabled When Power BI visualization is enabled for the site
Disable Power BI visualization PowerBIVisualizationDisabled When Power BI visualization is disabled for the site
Enable Power BI embedded service PowerBIEmbeddedServiceEnabled When Power BI embedded service is enabled for the site
Disable Power BI embedded service PowerBIEmbeddedServiceDisabled When Power BI embedded service is disabled for the site
Enable SharePoint integration SharePointIntegrationEnabled When SharePoint integration is enabled for the site
Disable SharePoint integration SharePointIntegrationDisabled When SharePoint integration is enabled for the site
Edit site URL SiteURLUpdated When site URL is changed
Edit site details - Name Update SiteNameUpdated When site name is changed
Edit site details - Website Record Update WebsiteRecordUpdated When website record is updated
Shut down site SiteShutDown When site is shut down
Delete site SiteDeleted Site is deleted
Add custom domain name CustomDomainConnected When site is connected to a custom domain
Remove custom domain name CustomDomainDeleted When custom domain is removed from the site
Change site visibility SiteVisibilityUpdated When site visibility is changed (private to public, or public to private)
Update site visibility permissions SiteVisibilityPermissionsUpdated When site visibility permissions (who can change site visibility) are updated
convert trial to production ConvertedToProduction When site is converted from trial to production
Set up IP Restrictions - Adding IP range IPRestrictionsAdded When a new range of IP addresses are added which can access the site
Set up IP Restrictions - Deleting IP range IPRestrictionsDeleted When a new range of IP addresses are deleted which can access the site
Enable WAF WAFEnabled When AFD (Azure Front Door) Web Application Firewall for security is enabled
Disable WAF WAFDisabled When AFD (Azure Front Door) Web Application Firewall for security is disabled
Restart site SiteRestarted When site is restarted
Update custom certificates CustomCertificateUpdated When a custom certificate associated with the site is updated
Enable maintenance mode MaintenanceModeEnabled When site is put in maintenance mode
Disable maintenance mode MaintenanceModeDisabled When site if taken off of maintenance mode
disableAnonymousAccess exception list changed AnonymousSettingExceptionListChanged When anonymous access governance control is changed

These operations take time to complete from the point they're initiated. The audit logs are captured when the action is initiated. It isn't necessary that the action is successfully completed.

See also