Command-based DSC Resource manifest schema reference


The data file that defines a command-based DSC Resource.


Type:          object


Every command-based DSC Resource must have a manifest. The manifest file must:

  1. Be discoverable in the PATH environment variable.
  2. Be formatted as either JSON or YAML.
  3. Follow the naming convention <name>.dsc.resource.<extension>. Valid extensions include json, yml, and yaml.
  4. Be valid for the schema described in this document.

The rest of this document describes the manifest's schema.

Required properties

The manifest must include these properties:



The $schema property indicates the canonical URI of this schema that the manifest validates against. This property is mandatory. DSC uses this value to validate the manifest against the correct JSON schema.

For every version of the schema, there are three valid urls:

  • .../resource/manifest.json

    The URL to the canonical non-bundled schema. When it's used for validation, the validating client needs to retrieve this schema and every schema it references.

  • .../bundled/resource/manifest.json

    The URL to the bundled schema. When it's used for validation, the validating client only needs to retrieve this schema.

    This schema uses the bundling model introduced for JSON Schema 2020-12. While DSC can still validate the document when it uses this schema, other tools may error or behave in unexpected ways.

  • .../bundled/resource/manifest.vscode.json

    The URL to the enhanced authoring schema. This schema is much larger than the other schemas, as it includes additional definitions that provide contextual help and snippets that the others don't include.

    This schema uses keywords that are only recognized by VS Code. While DSC can still validate the document when it uses this schema, other tools may error or behave in unexpected ways.

Type:        string
Required:    true
Format:      URI
ValidValues: [


The type property represents the fully qualified type name of the resource. It's used to specify the resource in configuration documents and as the value of the --resource flag when using the dsc resource * commands. For more information about resource type names, see DSC Resource fully qualified type name schema reference.

Type:     string
Required: true
Pattern:  ^\w+(\.\w+){0,2}\/\w+$


The version property must be the current version of the resource as a valid semantic version (semver) string. The version applies to the resource, not the software it manages.

Type:     string
Required: true
Pattern:  ^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$


The description property defines a synopsis for the resource's purpose. The value for this property must be a short string.

Type:     string
Required: false


The kind property defines how DSC should handle the resource. DSC supports three kinds of command-based DSC Resources: Resource, Group, and Adapter.

When kind isn't defined in the resource manifest, DSC infers the value for the property. If the adapter property is defined in the resource manifest, DSC infers the value of kind as Adapter. If the adapter property isn't defined, DSC infers the value of kind as Resource. DSC can't infer whether a manifest is for a group resource.

When defining a group resource, always explicitly define the kind property in the manifest as Group.

For more information, see DSC Resource kind schema reference.

Type:        string
Required:    false
ValidValues: [Resource, Adapter, Group]


The tags property defines a list of searchable terms for the resource. The value of this property must be an array of strings. Each tag must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. No other characters are permitted. Each tag must be unique.

Type:              array
Required:          false
ItemsMustBeUnique: true
ItemsType:         string
ItemsPattern:      ^\w+$


The export property defines how to call the resource to get the current state of every instance. When this property is defined, users can:

  • Specify an instance of the resource in the input configuration for the dsc config export command to generate an usable configuration document.
  • Specify the resource with the dsc resource export command to generate a configuration document that defines every instance of the resource.
  • Specify the resource with the dsc resource get command and the --all option to return the current state for every instance of the resource.

The value of this property must be an object. The object's executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args property is optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest export property schema reference.

Type:     object
Required: true


The get property defines how to call the resource to get the current state of an instance. This property is mandatory for all resources.

The value of this property must be an object. The object's executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args and input properties are optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest get property schema reference.

Type:     object
Required: true


The set property defines how to call the resource to set the desired state of an instance. It also defines how to process the output from the resource for this method. When this property isn't defined, the DSC can't manage instances of the resource. It can only get their current state and test whether the instance is in the desired state.

The value of this property must be an object. The executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args input, implementsPretest, and returns properties are optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest set property schema reference.

Type:     object
Required: false


Defines how DSC must call the DSC Resource to indicate whether and how the set command will modify an instance and how to process the output from the DSC Resource. If a resource doesn't define this method in the manifest, DSC synthesizes this behavior by converting the result of the test operation for the resource into the set result.

The value of this property must be an object. The executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args input, implementsPretest, and returns properties are optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest whatIf property schema reference.


The test property defines how to call the resource to test whether an instance is in the desired state. It also defines how to process the output from the resource for this method. When this property isn't defined, DSC performs a basic synthetic test for instances of the DSC Resource.

The value of this property must be an object. The object's executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args input, and returns properties are optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest test property schema reference.

Type:     object
Required: false


The validate property defines how to call a DSC Group Resource to validate its instances. This property is mandatory for DSC Group Resources. DSC ignores this property for all other resources.

The value of this property must be an object. The object's executable property, defining the name of the command to call, is mandatory. The args property is optional. For more information, see DSC Resource manifest validate property schema reference.

Type:     object
Required: false


When specified, the provider property defines the resource as a DSC Resource Provider.

The value of this property must be an object. The object's list and config properties are mandatory. The list property defines how to call the provider to return the resources that the provider can manage. The config property defines how the provider expects input. For more information, see the DSC Resource manifest provider property schema reference.


The exitCodes property defines a set of valid exit codes for the resource and their meaning. Define this property as a set of key-value pairs where:

  • The key is a string containing a signed integer that maps to a known exit code for the resource. The exit code must be a literal signed integer. You can't use alternate formats for the exit code. For example, instead of the hexadecimal value 0x80070005 for "Access denied", specify the exit code as -2147024891.
  • The value is a string describing the semantic meaning of that exit code for a human reader.

DSC interprets exit code 0 as a successful operation and any other exit code as an error.


If you're authoring your resource manifest in yaml, be sure to wrap the exit code in single quotes to ensure the YAML file can be parsed correctly. For example:

  '0': Success
  '1': Invalid parameter
  '2': Invalid input
  '3': Registry error
  '4': JSON serialization failed
Type:                object
Required:            false
PropertyNamePattern: ^-?[0-9]+#
PropertyValueType:   string


The schema property defines how to get the JSON schema that validates an instance of the resource. This property must always be an object that defines one of the following properties:

  • command - When you specify the command property, DSC calls the defined command to get the JSON schema.
  • embedded - When you specify the embedded property, DSC uses the defined value as the JSON schema.

For more information, see DSC Resource manifest schema property reference.

Type:     object
Required: true