
Gets a Azure Firewall.


The AzureRM PowerShell module has been officially deprecated as of February 29, 2024. Users are advised to migrate from AzureRM to the Az PowerShell module to ensure continued support and updates.

Although the AzureRM module may still function, it's no longer maintained or supported, placing any continued use at the user's discretion and risk. Please refer to our migration resources for guidance on transitioning to the Az module.


   [-Name <String>]
   [-ResourceGroupName <String>]
   [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]


The Get-AzureRmFirewall cmdlet gets one or more Firewalls in a resource group.


1: Retrieve all Firewalls in a resource group

Get-AzureRmFirewall -ResourceGroupName rgName

This example retrieves all Firewalls in resource group "rgName".

2: Retrieve a Firewall by name

Get-AzureRmFirewall -ResourceGroupName rgName -Name azFw

This example retrieves Firewall named "azFw" in resource group "rgName".

3: Retrieve a firewall and then add a application rule collection to the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"
$appRule = New-AzureRmFirewallApplicationRule -Name R1 -Protocol "http:80","https:443" -TargetFqdn "*", "*" -SourceAddress ""
$appRuleCollection = New-AzureRmFirewallApplicationRuleCollection -Name "MyAppRuleCollection" -Priority 100 -Rule $appRule -ActionType "Allow"

This example retrieves a firewall, then adds a application rule collection to the firewall by calling method AddApplicationRuleCollection.

4: Retrieve a firewall and then add a network rule collection to the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"
$netRule = New-AzureRmFirewallNetworkRule -Name "all-udp-traffic" -Description "Rule for all UDP traffic" -Protocol "Udp" -SourceAddress "*" -DestinationAddress "*" -DestinationPort "*"
$netRuleCollection = New-AzureRmFirewallNetworkRuleCollection -Name "MyNetworkRuleCollection" -Priority 100 -Rule $netRule -ActionType "Allow"

This example retrieves a firewall, then adds a network rule collection to the firewall by calling method AddNetworkRuleCollection.

5: Retrieve a firewall and then retrieve a application rule collection by name from the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"

This example retrieves a firewall and then gets a rule collection by name, calling method GetApplicationRuleCollectionByName on the firewall object. The rule collection name for method GetApplicationRuleCollectionByName is case-insensitive.

6: Retrieve a firewall and then retrieve a network rule collection by name from the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"

This example retrieves a firewall and then gets a rule collection by name, calling method GetNetworkRuleCollectionByName on the firewall object. The rule collection name for method GetNetworkRuleCollectionByName is case-insensitive.

7: Retrieve a firewall and then remove a application rule collection by name from the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"

This example retrieves a firewall and then removes a rule collection by name, calling method RemoveApplicationRuleCollectionByName on the firewall object. The rule collection name for method RemoveApplicationRuleCollectionByName is case-insensitive.

8: Retrieve a firewall and then remove a network rule collection by name from the Firewall

$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"

This example retrieves a firewall and then removes a rule collection by name, calling method RemoveNetworkRuleCollectionByName on the firewall object. The rule collection name for method RemoveNetworkRuleCollectionByName is case-insensitive.

9: Retrieve a firewall and then allocate the firewall

$vnet=Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name "vnet" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"
$publicIp=Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name "firewallpip" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"
$azFw=Get-AzureRmFirewall -Name "azFw" -ResourceGroupName "rgName"
$azFw.Allocate($vnet, $publicIp)

This example retrieves a firewall and calls Allocate on the firewall to start the firewall service using the configuration (application and network rule collections) associated with the firewall.



The credentials, account, tenant, and subscription used for communication with azure.

Aliases:AzureRmContext, AzureCredential
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the Firewall that this cmdlet gets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the resource group that Firewall belongs to.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False



This cmdlet does not accept any input.

